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P2MSTextView (OnGoing)

An easy way to enable rich text editing in IOS. This project is inspired by the Evernote's rich text editor.

Checkout Development branch for the latest progress.

This is supposed to work on IOS 4.3+.

###Usage Implements "P2MSTextViewDelegate" protocol to receive messages from "P2MSTextView" (optional)

P2MSTextView *textView = [[P2MSTextView alloc]initWithFrame:textViewRect];
textView.textViewDelegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:textView];

#####Import/Export HTML string //Import HTML [textView importHTMLString:@"Hello World"];

//export HTML
[textView exportHTMLString];

exported HTML is now fragmented and will improve it later #####Import/Export Plain string //import text textView.plainText = @"Hello World"; //export text NSString *exported = textView.plainText; ######HTML Mapping NSDictionary *txtFmtReferenceTable = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithInt:TEXT_BOLD], [NSNumber numberWithInt:TEXT_ITALIC], [NSNumber numberWithInt:TEXT_UNDERLINE], [NSNumber numberWithInt:TEXT_STRIKE_THROUGH], [NSNumber numberWithInt:TEXT_HIGHLIGHT], [NSNumber numberWithInt:PARAGRAPH_BULLET], [NSNumber numberWithInt:PARAGRAPH_NUMBERING], [NSNumber numberWithInt:PARAGRAPH_SECTION], [NSNumber numberWithInt:PARAGRAPH_SUBSECTION], [NSNumber numberWithInt:PARAGRAPH_BLOCK_QUOTE], [NSNumber numberWithInt:PARAGRAPH_NORMAL], [NSNumber numberWithInt:TEXT_FORMAT_NONE], [NSNumber numberWithInt:PARAGRAPH_NORMAL], nil] forKeys: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"b", @"i", @"u", @"strike", @"mark", @"ul", @"ol", @"h3", @"h5", @"blockquote", @"li", @"NO_HTML", @"a", nil]];

#####Switching between default Keyboards [textView toggleKeyboard]; #####Show Specific Keyboard [textView showKeyboard:KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEFAULT]; (or) [textView showKeyboard:KEYBOARD_TYPE_FORMAT]; Default Keyboard Format Keyboard
Refer to "P2MSTextViewExampleViewController" for more information.

###Importance Notes

The code and concepts require improvements and invite the contributors

The current codes are not efficient since I decided not to manipulate directly on NSAttributedString when I started working on this project, hoping to reuse the same approach on other platforms. I later will work directly on NSAttributedString.

Please open an issue or contact for the bugs or improvement ideas.


  • Contributions and suggestions are welcome


Rich Text Editor for IOS







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