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inspector: Validation of arguments and objects in user-defined functions


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inspector: Validation of Arguments and Objects in User-Defined Functions

CRAN status Build Status R build status pkgdown codecov License: MIT


The inspector package provides utility functions that implement and automate common sets of validation tasks, namely:

  • inspect_prob() checks if an object is a numeric vector of valid probability values.

  • inspect_log_base() checks if an object is a valid logarithmic base.

  • inspect_true_or_false() checks if an object is a non-missing logical value.

  • inspect_bfactor() checks if an object is a numeric vector of valid Bayes factors values.

  • inspect_bfactor_log() checks if an object is a numeric vector of valid logarithmic Bayes factors values.

  • inspect_bfactor_scale() validates Bayes factor interpretation scales (from the pcal package).

  • inspect_categories() validates factor levels.

  • inspect_character() validates character vectors.

  • inspect_character_match() validates character values with predefined allowed values.

  • inspect_data_dichotomous() validates dichotomous data

  • inspect_data_categorical() and inspect_data_cat_as_dichotom() validate categorical data.

  • inspect_par_bernoulli() validates parameters for the Bernoulli and Binomial distributions.

  • inspect_par_multinomial() validates parameters for the Multinomial distribution.

  • inspect_par_beta() validates parameters for the Beta distribution.

  • inspect_par_dirichlet() validates parameters for the Dirichlet distribution.

  • inspect_par_haldane() validates parameters for the Haldane distribution.

These functions are particularly useful to validate inputs, intermediate objects and output values in user-defined functions, resulting in tidier and less verbose functions.


The development version of inspector can be installed from Github with the devtools package:

# install.packages("devtools")


Imagine we want to write a function that simulates n flips of the same coin. Assuming that bias is the probability of the “heads” outcome:


flip_coins <- function(n, bias) { 
  sample(x = c("heads", "tails"), size = n, replace = TRUE)

flip_coins(n = 5, bias = 0.5)
#> [1] "heads" "heads" "heads" "tails" "heads"

Since bias is a probability, it is natural that we require flip_coins() to only accept values of bias between 0 and 1. Furthermore, we may want to ensure that bias is not null, not missing, and is a numeric vector of length 1. This results an a quite verbose function body:


flip_coins <- function(n, bias) {
  if (is.null(bias)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: bias is NULL."))
  if (any(isFALSE(is.atomic(bias)), isFALSE(is.vector(bias)))) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: bias must be an atomic vector."))
  if (isFALSE(length(bias) == 1)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: bias must be of length 1."))
  if ( {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: bias is NA or NaN."))
  if (isFALSE(is.numeric(bias))) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: bias must be numeric."))
  if (any(bias >= 1, bias <= 0)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: bias must be in the (0, 1) interval."))
  sample(x = c("heads", "tails"), size = n, replace = TRUE)

flip_coins(n = 5, bias = 0.5)
#> [1] "heads" "heads" "heads" "tails" "heads"

The inspector package was built to automate this kind of validation task. In the flip_coins() example, to perform an equivalent validation of inputs we can use inspect_par_bernoulli, since bias is the parameter of a Bernoulli distribution:


flip_coins <- function(n, bias) {
  sample(x = c("heads", "tails"), size = n, replace = TRUE)

flip_coins(n = 5, bias = 0.5)
#> [1] "heads" "heads" "heads" "tails" "heads"

This results in a tidier function body since the validation of bias is abstracted away from the body of the function.

Now imagine we want to implement equation 4 from Berger and Delampady (1987), a formula that calculates posterior probabilities using prior probabilities and Bayes factors as input. In this case we need to validate a vector of Bayes factors, lets call it bf, and a vector of prior probabilities, lets call it prior_prob. Since bf is expected to contain valid Bayes factor values, we need to ensure that only non-empty numeric vectors, containing only non-negative values, are accepted. Since prior_prob is a vector of probabilities, we need to check if it is a non-empty numeric vector containing only values between 0 and 1. Since we are now validating two inputs, the function body would be even more verbose than in the flip_coins() example:

bfactor_to_prob <- function(bf, prior_prob = .5) {

  if (is.null(bf)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: bf is NULL."))
  if (any(isFALSE(is.atomic(bf)), isFALSE(is.vector(bf)))) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: bf must be an atomic vector."))
  if (length(bf) == 0) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: bf is empty."))
  if (all( {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: all elements of bf are NA or NaN."))
  if (isFALSE(is.numeric(bf))) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: the type of bf must be numeric."))
  if (any(bf[!] < 0)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: all elements of bf must be non-negative."))
  if (is.null(prior_prob)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument:", output_name, "is NULL."))
  if (any(isFALSE(is.atomic(prior_prob)), isFALSE(is.vector(prior_prob)))) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument:", output_name, "must be an atomic vector."))
  if (length(prior_prob) == 0) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument:", output_name, "is empty."))
  if (all( {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: all elements of", output_name, "are NA or NaN."))
  if (isFALSE(is.numeric(prior_prob))) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: the type of", output_name, "must be numeric."))
  if (any(prior_prob[!] < 0, prior_prob[!] > 1)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument: all elements of",  output_name, "must be in the [0, 1] interval."))

  (1 + (1 - prior_prob) / prior_prob * (1 / bf)) ^(-1)

bfactor_to_prob(c(2.1, 0.5, 11))
#> [1] 0.6774194 0.3333333 0.9166667

Now lets use inspector instead. To perform an equivalent validation of inputs we can use inspect_bfactor() to validate bf and inspect_prob() to validate prior_prob:

bfactor_to_prob <- function(bf, prior_prob = .5) {


  (1 + (1 - prior_prob) / prior_prob * (1 / bf)) ^ (-1)

bfactor_to_prob(c(2.1, 0.5, 11))
#> [1] 0.6774194 0.3333333 0.9166667

Getting Help

If you find a bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub. Feature requests are also welcome. You can find me at


Berger, James O., and Mohan Delampady. 1987. “Testing Precise Hypotheses.” Statistical Science 2 (3): 317–35.