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Introducing proud stories! - A micro social-investment SNS where users share their activities showcasing pride in their community with the world, through short videos. Users also receive "applause" - a small monetary contribution for each upvote a video receives.

Check it out on the Google Play Store [here](loc cit) now!

[Insert several screenshots here]

This repo contains the mobile app written in React Native. Presently it is compatible with Android, but will be available on iOS in a future release.


This app was created in June 2019 by Ania Nakayama, Ben Dyer and Konstantin Schlegel over 2 weeks during the Code Chrysalis Immersive Bootcamp (Cohort 8) as an MVP inspired by Proud Story.

Getting Started


First install Android Studio, and Android SDK (install). To build the app, it will be necessary to add a file called in the android/ folder containing the line sdk.dir=path/to/Android/sdk. The default paths are

sdk.dir=/home/USERNAME/Android/Sdk (Linux)
sdk.dir=/Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk (Mac)
sdk.dir=C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\sdk (Windows)

Then from the root directory get dependencies with npm install.for communities with video sharing foll

Environment variables

For authentication we use Auth0. Sign up and obtain credentials from [link to auth0] and add them to a .env file in the root directory following .env.example.

Running the app in emulator with Android SDK

First open an emulator. Our primary device for testing was the Pixel 2, which can be started from terminal by running

path/to/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator --avd Pixel_2_API_29 -no-snapshot -wipe-data

The emulator can also be opened through Android Studio. For more info on running emulators in the terminal see here. Once the emulator has opened, from the root directory run react-native run-android to build the app and start metro bundler. If the server stops use react-native start to restart without a rebuild.

Using the App


Auth0 is used for authentication/login, Stripe for payment, and Amazon S3 for storing videos on the cloud. The server is built with AdonisJS.





A micro social-investment SNS with video sharing






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