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Release 2.5

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@effectsToCause effectsToCause released this 15 Nov 20:51
· 8 commits to master since this release

This release incorporates years of significant updates. Some of which include:
-Incorporation in library of numerous cofactors
-N and C terminal residue support and automatic model assembly with them
-Great simplification of adding molecules to the library
-Projects directory with some relatively easy to run general programs, where basic usage is detailed in Readme
-Optional Polarizable electrostatic forcefeild using the maxwell-garnet formula to modify the local effective dielectric based on polarizability
-A backbone sequence alphabet and structural classifier implementation using a Residues-per-turn binning method
-A basic UI built in QT as a starting point for further development (not built by default, but functional in Linux)
-Very fast and accurate SVD Fortran structural alignment algorithm for aligning pdbs to each other or the z axis (protAlign) and for aligning library residues into input pdb position
-Finalization of Evolutionary algorithm for design of monomers, heteromers and cofactor binding proteins (protEvolver)
and many other minor and under the hood improvements