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Projection Finance

Frontend application

Getting Started

1. First, install packages

npm install
# or
yarn install

2. Configure

Copy .env.example to .env

3. Launch DB instance with docker

docker-compose up

This is optional, actually we use MongoDB Atlas, the could hosted version of MongoDB.

Credentials are available on .env.example

4. Synchronise Database and Prisma ORM

npx prisma db push

After that, you should be able to see your db opening a graphql client with this command :

npx prisma studio

5. Launch App

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

6. Bugs Notes

Issue with Prisma on increment operator. An Int field need to be set before being able to increment

model Post {
  id        String  @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
  title     String
  content   String?
  published Boolean @default(false)
  viewCount Int     @default(0) // this field need to be able to increment
  author    User?   @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
  authorId  String?

7. Dev Notes

Here a task list that needs to be done before going to production.

  • Secure Api calls with supertoken
  • Clarify the use of userId variable, sometimes it reprensent id from Supertoken, sometimes our user ID

apres un changement :

npx prisma db push

Postgre Notes

SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"User"', 'id'), coalesce(max(id)+1, 1), false) FROM "User";

SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"Projection"', 'id'), coalesce(max(id)+1, 1), false) FROM "Projection";

SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"Simulation', 'id'), coalesce(max(id)+1, 1), false) FROM "Simulation";

npx prisma generate


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