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NFIS Geometry Fylr plugin

This plugin adds the new data type "NFIS Geometry" to a Fylr instance. The data type makes it possible to work with geometries via a Geoserver WFS and a Masterportal instance.


  1. Clone repository
  2. Create server configuration file
cp serverConfiguration.json.template serverConfiguration.json
  1. Fill in credentials of Geoserver account with write permissions in serverConfiguration.json
  2. Build plugin:
  1. Add path to plugin in fylr.yml


Base configuration

  • Masterportal URL: The base URL of the Masterportal instance to be used by the plugin
  • Geoserver: User name: The name of the Geoserver account that is used to access the WFS in read-only mode
  • Geoserver: Password: The password of the Geoserver account that is used to access the WFS in read-only mode
  • Data transfer to geoserver: For each geometry field defined, entered field data is added to the corresponding geometry via a WFS provided by the configured Geoserver instance
    • Object type: The object type for which field data should be added
    • Geometry fields: The geometries for which data should be added
      • Field name (including path): The path to the geometry field for which data should be added (e. g. "")
      • WFS URL: The base URL of the WFS to be used. It has to be a WFS provided by the configured Geoserver instance.
      • WFS feature type: The feature type to use when writing data to the WFS
      • Field data to be transferred: Mappings of a source field (Fylr) to a target field (WFS)
        • Name of field in Fylr object: The source field that contains the data to be transferred
        • Name of WFS target field: The target field of the WFS to which the data is transferred

Data model configuration

  • WFS ID in Masterportal: The ID of the layer used for displaying the WFS data in Masterportal. This ID can be found in the services configuration file of the Masterportal instance.
  • WFS URL: The base URL of the WFS to be used. It has to be a WFS provided by the Geoserver instance configured in the base configuration.
  • WFS feature type: The feature type to use when accessing the WFS
  • Style object ID: The system ID of the style object to be used for this geometry field
  • Multi selection: If toggled, multiple geometries can be added to the geometry field. All geometries are shown on a single map. Geometries can be selected on the map to edit or remove them.