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DOCKER to automate building GZRoms

Create a Docker based environment to build GZRoms; GZOSP, VALIDUS.

This Dockerfile will create a docker container which is based on Ubuntu 18.04. It will install the "repo" utility and any other build dependencies which are required to compile GZRoms.

The main working directory is a shared folder on the host system, so the Docker container can be removed at any time.

NOTE: Remember that GZRoms is a huge project. Each ROM will consume a large amount of disk space (~80 GB) and it can easily take hours to build.

WHY Docker?

  • Independent of HOST OS distribution, Docker uses 'UBUNTU 18.04'
  • Requires 'bash' support on HOST OS and nothing more
  • Tested on MacOS, Linux variants
  • Users can change HOST OS distributions freely
    • Supports advanced users who might preserve build repos via mount points on same or different partitions
    • Docker uses 'bind mount points' which shares file system with Host OS

Few handy docker commands, for HOST OS

docker images [-a]
    - lists down [all] docker images
docker rmi
    - removes docker image. e.g docker rmi gzr
docker ps -a
    - lists down all the docker containers currently running
docker stop
    - stops the container. e.g docker stop gzr
docker attach
    - attaches to the running container
    [Note] For detaching you can use `^p^q`
docker image prune -a
    - removes all ununsed images, not just dangling ones

How to build docker container


  • You will need to install Docker to proceed!
  • If an image does not exist, docker build is executed first
git clone
cd docker_build_gzr

[NOTE:] Always recommended to use './' to attach/start the existing image container

The script accepts the following switches:

Switch Alternative Description
-u --enable-usb Runs the container in privileged mode (this way you can use adb right from the container)
-r --rebuild Force rebuild the image from scratch

The container uses "screen" to run the shell. This means that you will be able to open additional shells using [screen keyboard shortcuts][Screen_Shortcuts].

ADB in the container

If you're on Linux and want to use adb from within the container running with -u might not be enough. Make sure you have the Android udev rules installed on your host system so you can access your device without needing superuser permissions.

How to build GZRoms for your device

-> You should be inside Docker at /home/build
./ -d <device_name> [clean] [sync]
    - -d <device_name> : Device code name to build for. e.g. oneplus3
    - clean : Builds clean, removes the OUT directory for this device
    - sync : Syncs repository

    e.g ./ -d oneplus3 clean sync

BEFORE EVERYTHING ELSE - Setup Ecosystem for your builds

Building GZOSP

-> You should be inside Docker at /home/build

Edit "" with desired values.

GIT_USER_NAME   - User name for GIT setup
GIT_USER_EMAIL  - User email for GIT setup
BUILD_TYPE      - gzosp. Default : gzosp
CCACHE_DIR      - ccache directory
OUT_DIR         - Output directory for build artifacts. Default : $BASE_SRC_DIR/out
REPO_URL        - URL repo for GZOSP manifest. Default : ""
REPO_BRANCH     - Branch of GZOSP repo manifest. Default : "9.0"
CODE_DIR        - Where the source is already/will be checked out

Build Script Assumptions

ccache size     - Default: 50G
make jobs       - Retrieves the cpus from /proc/cpuinfo and uses it.
source directory- Assumed to be of BUILD_TYPE, ".../gzosp"

I'm Noob, Never built

- Setup the Ecosystem as explained above
- Make sure you have enough disk space required
- Execute "./ -d <device_name> sync"
    * This would checkout the GZOSP/VALIDUS manifest and syncs device repos
    * If the device is not Officially supported, you should setup local manifest
    * If the device is officially supported, and device dependencies not setup, contact the maintainer or raise issue in GZOSP page.

I'm already building. How to automate

- Assume your source code is at /home/user/droid/gzosp
- Setup the Ecosystem as explained above
- Execute "./ -d <device_name> sync"
    * This would sync the GZOSP/VALIDUS for any new changes

Clean builds, ccache

- While executing "" use, "clean" as argument
    * e.g "./ -d oneplus3 sync clean
- ccache is stored independently for each device and repo. This is so that if you want to clean ccache afresh for a device,
  it will not disturb other device ccache
    * While executing "" use, "nocache" as argument
    * e.g "./ -d oneplus3 nocache

Build System Visualizations

Source directory

               |                               |
            gzosp                            validus

Output directory

               |             |                |
            oneplus3      sanders         cheeseburger
       |             |
    gzosp         validus

CCACHE directory

               |             |                |
            oneplus3      sanders         cheeseburger
       |             |
    gzosp         validus


DOCKER to automate building GZRoms







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