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Releases: preethamrn/

Nuxt 3

27 Dec 07:17
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Using Nuxt 3 and various modules and custom configurations while still keeping the exact same functionality, performance, and look.

  modules: ["@nuxt/content", "@nuxt/image", "nuxt-icon", "@nuxtjs/color-mode", "nuxt-simple-sitemap", "nuxt-gtag"],

Mostly a modernization effort but will probably lead to greater dividends in the future as I enable more features and as Nuxt 3 matures more.

Vue.js + Gridsome

23 Nov 02:02
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Using Vue.js + Gridsome to create a personal website + blog + project portfolio.
Read about updates here:

Custom version 1

10 Nov 07:47
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Version 1 using Vue.js framework. Includes custom apps like BLDTrainer, AlgTrainer, StanzSheet, and MonkeyLeague Median Calcuator.

Deprecating due to:

  1. inefficient framework usage (build can be quite large and requires long load times for what is essentially a static resume page).
  2. doesn't include support for a blog link
  3. not well tested for cross browser support.

Using Template

10 Nov 07:45
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First website using modified online template. No custom design.