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A note-taking web application built on MEAN Stack. The application is deployed on AWS at -


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tack-it-up! [A MEAN Stack App]

About the project

tack-it-up is a web application built on MEAN Stack viz. MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js and Node.js. This app is basically a note-taking app which supports secure sign-up and login/logout features and all the notes/posts by the user are publicly readable by any visitor to the website. However functionality is implemented as such that the note/post can be modified or removed by the user who created it. Errors are handled efficiently while password encryption is in place to manage user accounts. For styling, Angular Material is used extensively.

Changes required before building the project

  1. Rename the folder to mean-project after cloning and unzipping
  2. Create a cluster on mongodb atlas (cloud db of mongodb), a database named mean-project in that cluster and two collections named posts and users in that database. Make sure to IP whitelist for all IP address for this cluster
  3. Copy the SRV Connection String for this cluster which should something like this: mongodb+srv://prats:<PASSWORD>
  4. Remove ?retryWrites=true and in place of <PASSWORD> type-in " + process.env.DB_PSWRD + ", simultaneously add this <PASSWORD> in nodemon.json available in src folder while replacing the contents for DB_PSWRD key there
  5. Navigate to backend/app.js file and replace this path in line 13

Execution steps to build and run from command line

  1. issue ng serve to build or compile the code on terminal window. Do not close this terminal window.
  2. issue npm run start:server in another terminal window to establish connection to the database.
  3. navigate to http://localhost:4200/ on your browser to see the app runnning.

External packages required

  • bcryptjs : 2.4.3
  • body-parser : 1.18.3
  • express : 4.16.4
  • jsonwebtoken : 8.4.0
  • mongoose : 5.3.13
  • mongoose-unique-validator : 2.0.2
  • multer : 1.4.1
  • rxjs : 6.3.3

Demo Link & Screenshot

The app is deployed on AWS using its S3 and Elastic Beanstalk service. Click here to give it a try. Application's logged-in state is shown below: