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AEMO Monthly Data Archive Tool

PyPI version Continuous Integration and Deployment codecov status Code style: black

A CLI utility to find and obtain data made available through AEMO's MMS Monthly Data Archive.


This package and its CLI have some overlap with NEMOSIS and NEMSEER. However:

  • NEMOSIS does not provide access to the monthly data archive, and does not allow a user to download certain tables such as bid data tables (BIDPEROFFER).
  • NEMSEER only handles PASA and pre-dispatch tables available in the monthly data archive, though it provides a lot of useful utilities for handling these tables


Recommended that you use pipx to install the CLI as it prevents dependency conflicts.

pipx install mms-monthly-cli

However, you can still install via pip if you are only using the Python package:

pip install mms-monthly-cli


You can use this package as a module (source code functions within or as a CLI tool to:

  1. Inspect what data is available
  2. Download and unzip a table CSV for a particular period (i.e. a month within a year)

Python module

Simply import mms_monthly_cli as follows:

import mms_monthly_cli.mms_monthly as mms_monthly

This will expose the following functions (accessed using mms_monthly.<func_name>):

get_years_and_months() -> Dict[int, List[int]]
Years and months with data on NEMWeb MMSDM Historical Data Archive
    Months mapped to each year. Data is available for each of these months.

get_available_tables(year: int, month: int, data_dir: str) -> List[str]
Tables that can be requested from MMSDM Historical Data Archive for a
   particular month and year.
    year: Year
    month: Month
    data_dir: Directory within monthly archives

    List of tables associated with that forecast type for that period

get_table_names_and_sizes(year: int, month: int, data_dir: str) -> Dict
Returns table names and sizes from MMSDM Historical Data Archive page

For a year and month in the MMSDM Historical Data Archive, returns a list of
tuples each consisting of:
- A table name (obtained via captured regex group)
- The size of the associated zip file

    year: Year
    month: Month
    data_dir: Directory within monthly archives
    Tuple of table names and file sizes

get_and_unzip_table_csv(year: int, month: int, data_dir: str, table: str, cache: pathlib.Path) -> None
Unzipped (single) csv file downloaded from `url` to `cache`

This function:

1. Downloads zip file in chunks to limit memory use and enable progress bar
2. Validates that the zip contains a single file that has the same name as the zip

    year: Year
    month: Month
    data_dir: Directory within monthly archives
    table: Table name
    cache: Path to save zip.
    None. Extracts csv to `cache`

CLI tool

The CLI tool uses Typer.

CLI usage GIF produced using asciinema and agg

Usage is documented within the tool:

mms-monthly-cli --help

...which returns:

Usage: mms-monthly-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 A CLI utility to find and obtain data made available through AEMO's MMS Monthly Data

╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell.                 │
│ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or      │
│                               customize the installation.                               │
│ --help                        Show this message and exit.                               │
╭─ Commands ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ available-periods  Displays years and the months within them for which data is          │
│                    available                                                            │
│ available-tables   Displays available tables for a period (i.e. supplied month and      │
│                    year)                                                                │
│ get-table          Download and unzip monthly data zip file to get data table CSV in    │
│                    cache. To see available periods, use the `available_periods` command │
│                    To see available tables for a given period, use the                  │
│                    `available_tables` command                                           │


This tool and associated source code (reused from nemseer, which is licensed under GNU GPL-3.0-or-later) was created by Abhijith Prakash.

This tool and its source code is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL-3.0-or-later licences.


Source code and CLI tool to query and download data from the Australian Energy Market Operator's Monthly Data Archive






