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A DynDns service for Kubernetes. There a lots of ways to do dynamic DNS, this is how I decided to do it.

What it Does

This creates a kubernetes cronjob in the namespace dyndns. The cronjob checks your current WAN ip address, if it has changed it pushes up the changed ip address to Namecheap. Specify any number of domains.

ℹ️ Currently only supports Namecheap.

Getting Started

  • In the Namecheap DNS console, you'll need to enable Dynamic DNS and get a Dynmaic DNS Password, a 32 character hash.
  • Create a copy of the generic env for your use in the env dir kubernetes-manifests/env/generic.
  • Update the kubernetes-manifests/env/generic/configmap-patch.yaml with connection details for the Redis instance you are bringing in.
  • Create a json file like the one in this repo for each of the domains you want to manage DNS for. examples/domains.json
  • Create a the domain-config secret.
    kubectl create secret generic domain-config --from-file=domains.json
    OR if you use sealed secrets.
    kubectl create secret generic domain-config \
        -o yaml \
        -n dyndns \
        --dry-run=client \
        --from-file=domains.json | \
        kubeseal --format yaml > kubernetes-manifests/env/<my-new-env>/sealed-secret-domains.yaml
  • If you use ArgoCD, fork this app and the example Argo app in examples/argocd-dyndns.yaml will get you moving.

Next Up

  • Create a Grafana dashboard/ alert for DynDNS
  • Support more registrars.
  • Add more tests