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PyGame-Controller is an abstraction layer on top of PyGame's Joystick module. I started this project because I wanted an easy and reusable way to create controller mappings without cluttering my code with event handlers and conditional blocks. It allows for easy registration of functions to buttons on the controller. The best part is that it's controller-agnostic; I tested this with a SuperNintendo-style controller, but it will work with other controllers as well!


  • Easy setup: give the constructor the controller's number and you're all set!
  • Easy button mapping: add, update, and remove button mappings in a single line!
  • Easy execution: pass a registered button's id to the press_button or release_button function and watch the magic!


register player 1's controller to print to the console when button 0 is pressed and released:

# ... imports, initialize PyGame, and other logic

# create a list of controllers for each joystick PyGame detects
controllers = [controller.Controller(joystickId) for joystickId in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())]

# bind button 0 on the first controller to do something when pressed and released
controllers[0].map_button(0, lambda: print('button 0 pressed!'), lambda: print('button 0 released!'))
# bind the controller's vertical axis (up and down arrows on the thumb pad) to do something when each end is pressed or released
controllers[0].map_directionalButton(0, lambda: print('down arrow pressed!'), lambda: print('up arrow pressed!'), lambda: print('up or down arrow released!'))

# ... (in event loop) execute the action bound to a button press when a PyGame event is fired
controllerNumber =
controllerForEvent = controllers[controllerNumber]
# Tell the controller to press the button for the event
if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
elif event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION:
	# call the directional button press on the controller
	controllerForEvent.press_directionalButton(event.axis, event.value)

To make things more readable, you could use an Enum to associate the button IDs PyGame creates with the named button the ID represents:

# ... imports, initialize PyGame and a controller, create an IntEnum named Buttons that maps each button ID to a button name
controllers[0].map_button(Buttons.X, lambda: print('X button pressed!'), lambda: print('X button released!'))
# ...