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Experiments with ML Flow

Experiment 1: Getting started

  • Install: pip3 install mlflow jupyter torch torchvision matplotlib
  • Open jupyter with jupyter-notebook
  • Try to run the notebook.
  • Open web UI with mlflow ui
  • You should see your test_run1 on the list of runs.
    • Run is either until the end of the Python process or when the context of mlflow.start_run(...) ends.

Experiment 2: Remote tracking server setup

  • Build the docker image: cd Experiment2 && docker build -t mlflow-experiment:latest .
  • Run the remote tracking server: docker run -p 5000:5000 mlflow-experiment:latest
  • Start the jupyter notebooks and open Experiment2.ipynb

Experiment 3: Write a model in PyTorch and track it's training in MLFlow

  • Run the remote tracking server: docker run -p 5000:5000 mlflow-experiment:latest
  • Start the jupyter notebooks and open Experiment3.ipynb

Experiment 4: Serialize the model to the MLFlow format

  • In experiment 3 we saved a model in cifar10_model/cifar10.mlflow directory
  • This model can be served via this command: mlflow models serve --no-conda -m cifar10.mlflow -p 5001
  • The API is served the at http://localhost:5001/invocations
    • e.g. you can call it with (mind that input format is not aligned to our model in this example) curl http://localhost:5001/invocations -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"columns": ["a", "b", "c"], "data": [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}'


Web app UI

Training loss visualization

Test accuracy

Main experiment UI