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Warning: I am not an expert. This library is purely for my own curiosity. Do not use it in production.

  • We try to use as much third party code as possible. This library is basically just a wrapper around CryptoPP with some glue code to read and write ansible vault files.
  • We use SecureArray and SecureString which clear the array when released, whenever we store sensitive values such as the vault content, password, salt, hmac, key, and iv.


  • Does not support the Vault ID part of the ansible vault format.
  • Apart from some basic unit tests this is basically untested code. It is basically experimental code, do not trust it with your secrets!
  • libansible-vault-cpp is just a library that can encrypt/decrypt ansible vault files, it is not a replacement for the ansible-vault tool, that tool is a fully featured tool for working with ansible vault files.

Safer, battle hardened, tested, more sensible options for storing secrets (Use these instead)

Ansible Vault Manipulation

General Secret Storage

I'm Brave/Fool Hardy! Building libansible-vault-cpp

Install Prerquisites

sudo yum install cryptopp-devel gtest-devel

Build the library and unit tests


cmake .


rm -rf CMakeFiles CMakeCache.txt cmake_install.cmake
CC=/usr/bin/clang CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ cmake .

Generates[.0.1] and ansible-vault-cpp_test.

Run the unit tests


Build the fuzzers

cd fuzz
cmake .

Run the fuzzers

There are some issues with fuzzing because the format is slightly complicated:

  • There are 3 sections, the header has to have the right format, the salt, password, and encrypted content all have to match
  • Apart from the few samples that we supply to the fuzzer as a starting point, it is basically never going to generate inputs that are a valid ansible vault file, parsing is almost always going to early exit

fuzz_ansible_vault_password: The input is interpretted as a password and is used to decrypt a standard ansible vault file, some sample passwords are supplied from fuzz/sample_passwords/
fuzz_ansible_vault_decrypt: The input is interpretted as a standard ansible vault file, two attempts to decrypt it with two passwords are tried, some invalid and valid files are supplied from fuzz/sample_ansible_vault/

Running fuzz_ansible_vault_password for example:

mkdir -p ./corpus/fuzz_ansible_vault_password/
./fuzz_ansible_vault_password -runs=500000 -fork=4 -max_len=1000 ./corpus/fuzz_ansible_vault_password ./sample_passwords

Running fuzz_ansible_vault_decrypt for example:

mkdir -p ./corpus/fuzz_ansible_vault_decrypt/
./fuzz_ansible_vault_decrypt -runs=100000000 -fork=4 -max_len=4000 ./corpus/fuzz_ansible_vault_decrypt/ ./sample_ansible_vault/

Extra fuzzing options

Set a maximum length of the test inputs:


Set the number of concurrent processes:


Set a maximum number of iterations to run:



NOTE: These examples are lacking error checking

Link to the library in your cmake file:

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(myapplication ansible-vault-cpp)

Encrypt with the library

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include "ansible_vault.h"

void EncryptVaultFile()
  // NOTE: SecureString is meant to be pervasive. Sensitive data and passwords should be cleared from memory before release
  const std::string plain_text_str = "My encrypted text.\nAnd another line.\n"; // Take care of where you get this string from and store it
  const vault::SecureString plain_text(plain_text_str.c_str(), plain_text_str.length());
  const std::string password_str = "mytestpassword"; // Take care of where you get this string from and store it
  const vault::SecureString password(password_str.c_str(), password_str.length());
  const std::string salt_utf8 = "ed3496252ad601cf571ac38eab55544f";
  vault::SecureArray<uint8_t, 32> salt;
  CopyStringToBytes(salt_utf8, salt);

  std::ostringstream encrypted;
  const vault::ENCRYPT_RESULT encryption_result = vault::encrypt(plain_text, password, salt, encrypted);
  if (encryption_result != vault::ENCRYPT_RESULT::OK) {
    std::cerr<<"Error encrypting the string"<<std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cout<<"Successfully encrypted the string"<<std::endl;

    // Write the ansible vault content out to a file
      std::ofstream out("myvault");

    std::cout<<"Wrote output to file"<<std::endl;

Decrypt with the library

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include "ansible_vault.h"

void DecryptVaultFile()
  std::string encrypted;
    std::ifstream file("myvault");
    encrypted = ((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(file)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());

  // NOTE: SecureString is meant to be pervasive. Sensitive data and passwords should be cleared from memory before release
  const std::string password_str = "mytestpassword"; // Take care of where you get this string from and store it
  const vault::SecureString password(password_str.c_str(), password_str.length());

  vault::SecureString decrypted;
  const vault::DECRYPT_RESULT decryption_result = vault::decrypt(encrypted, password, decrypted);
  if (decryption_result != vault::DECRYPT_RESULT::OK) {
    std::cerr<<"Error decrypting the vault"<<std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cout<<"Successfully decrypted the vault"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"Vault content: \""<<decrypted.c_str()<<"\""<<std::endl;

Ansible Vault Format

Without Vault ID


With Vault ID (Not supported by libansible-vault-cpp)


Encryption Process

The encryption process is basically:

  1. Generate a salt
  2. Use PKCS5 PBKDF2 HMAC with the salt and password to derive the encryption key, HMAC key, and IV
  3. Derived encryption key and IV are used to key a block cypher for AES256 encryption
  4. Create HMAC with SHA256 from the encrypted data
  5. Combine hex(salt) + '\n' + hex(hmachash) + '\n' + hex(encrypted)
  6. hex(combined)

Decryption Process

Decryption is basically the reverse:

  1. unhex(combined)
  2. Split parts salt, hmachash, encrypted
  3. unhex(salt), unhex(hmachash), unhex(encrypted)
  4. Use PKCS5 PBKDF2 HMAC with the salt and password to derive the encryption key, HMAC key, and IV
  5. Verify HMAC with SHA256 for the the encrypted data matches the expected hmachash
  6. Derived encryption key and IV are used to key a block cypher for AES256 decryption

Standard Red Hat ansible-vault Executable Usage for Testing Compatibility (Not libansible-vault-cpp)

Decrypting From Pipe

Password: 123

echo '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.2;AES256;dev
6330' | ansible-vault decrypt

Encrypt/decrypt In Place


ansible-vault encrypt vars/vault.yaml


ansible-vault decrypt vars/vault.yaml

Encrypt/decrypt From Files


echo "mypassword" > password.txt
echo "My plain text file\nMultiple lines\n" > plaintext.txt
ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file password.txt --output output_encrypted.txt plaintext.txt

(Asks for password, which is "mypassword")

echo "My plain text file\nMultiple lines\n" > plaintext.txt
ansible-vault encrypt --output output_encrypted.txt plaintext.txt


ansible-vault decrypt --vault-password-file password.txt --output output_decrypted.txt output_encrypted.txt

(Asks for password, which is "mypassword")

ansible-vault decrypt --output sample_decrypted.txt test/data/sample.txt


Library to encrypt/decrypt the ansible vault format






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