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Creating a project manually

Curtis Wensley edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 1 revision

This shows how you can create a new project manually.

Creating a new application

  1. Create a new console application in Visual Studio or MonoDevelop.

    Note: Creating a console application is recommended as it'll add the least amount of extraneous dependencies that you do not need.

  2. Change the project type to Executable with GUI

    VS for Mac / MonoDevelop

    1. Right click on the project, select Options
    2. Go to Build > General
    3. Change Compile Target to "Executable with GUI"

    Visual Studio

    1. Right click on the project, select Properties
    2. In the Application pane, set Output Type to "Windows Application"
  3. Add the Eto.Forms nuget package to your project

    Note: Remove any references to other GUI frameworks, e.g. System.Windows.Forms or System.Drawing.

  4. Add one or more of the platform nuget packages:

    These will allow your application to run using the native toolkits. Note that you should only add a single Mac package.

Creating a library

Using a library to house all of your UI code is recommended, so you can separate platform-specific code from your UI.

  1. Create a new library in Visual Studio or MonoDevelop

  2. Add the Eto.Forms nuget package to your project

  3. Reference your UI library from each of your application projects

Next Steps: Tutorial 1 Hello Eto.Forms