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v3.1.0: php8, guides & stability

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@jaapio jaapio released this 07 Jul 18:24
· 1304 commits to master since this release

After the release of v3.0.0, which was a huge step forward for phpDocumentor, we started focussing on a new big step. The 3.1 release is not complete as we had in mind, but it will provide you with some new stuff which will improve your documentation.

PHP8 support

This version of phpDocumentor is fully compatible with PHP8. To support all additional features in PHP8 we had to redesign part of our internal reflection library, which is now capable to read and document constructor promoted properties, mixed, static and union type hints.
We have rewritten some internals in phpDocumentor to fix compatibility issues between the supported PHP versions and our dependencies which are not always supporting the range of PHP versions supported by phpDocumentor.

Bug fixes & Improvements

Thanks to all contributors who reported their issues with phpDocumentor v3.0 we could improve. So please keep reporting your bugs and missing features so we can continue this path. Please consult the change log for the full list of fixed issues.

Guides (Unstable)

In v3 we started working on handwritten documentation. In this version we continued that feature, by extending it with Admonitions, diagrams and images. We cleaned up a lot of the parser code to make the guides parsing fit better in our internal workflow with the final result where your api and handwritten docs are fully integrated to provide the best possible documentation for your code consumers.

Guides are still under heavy development, please consider them unstable as the api will change and we will extend the number of features in future versions of phpDocumentor.

Documentation improvements

In this release, several documentation sections are added. We continue to improve our own documentation while we are improving phpDocumentor itself to render our own docs. Our docs are a good show-case of what phpDocumentor is currently capable to do.

Thank you!

Thanks for using phpDocumentor. And please keep reporting your issues.