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Example tag, test coverage, bug fixes and improved Vagrant Setup

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@mvriel mvriel released this 21 Aug 10:35

phpDocumentor version 2.7 is here. In this release we have fixed various issues that have been reported and thanks to an amazing Testfest in Amsterdam the Code Coverage has risen with at least 8%! A huge thanks to all who participated there.

In preparation for Testfest we have switched the provisioning of the development machines to use Ansible instead of puppet and made some parts optional (such as profiling and doc generation), making it a lot easier to use the virtual machine.

Something which is not reflected in the changelog below is that we have automated the deploys of the phpDocumentor website and the releases for phpDocumentor itself. In the past a release took several hours to prepare and execute, now we can do 75% of it within 15 minutes. I hope that we can automate the remaining bit as well but that is something for the future.

For a complete list of changes, see the changelog below and enjoy the new version!

ADDED:     A new writer that outputs a statistical extract from the collected data
ADDED:     Windows support for Ansible playbooks
ADDED:     8% to 10% Code Coverage thanks to #testfest 2014
ADDED:     #1347: Support for custom Vendor folders
ADDED:     Plugins can now be configured using parameters.
ADDED:     Complete support for @example
ADDED:     NamespacePrefix to LegacyNamespaceConverter plugin
FIXED:     Fatal error in MethodDescriptor when a parent was incorrectly called
FIXED:     Notice in '@see' handling
FIXED:     #1349: Configuration file was not found in working directory
FIXED:     Phing integration by re-instating the bootstrap class
FIXED:     Fixing type inference and variable length issues
FIXED:     Whether a method is inherited is shown again in XSL-based templates
FIXED:     Various minor bugs that became visible during the writing of tests
FIXED:     #1390: Source code paths were incorrect if the source was in folder
FIXED:     #1341: Icons in clean template were shown incorrectly
FIXED:     #1331: Not all validations were properly shown
FIXED:     #1077: Spaces in a path won't trip up libxml anymore
CHANGED:   Changed reference to deprecated Parsedown method parse() to text()
CHANGED:   Completely replaced Puppet with Ansible to provision contributor VMs
CHANGED:   Simpler provisioning for generic contributors; to do profiling
           another task is now needed
CHANGED:   Docs no longer refer to Short Description or Long Description but to
           Summary and Description per PSR-5