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An easy to use GDPR-compliant cookie-banner

Cookiebanner Screenshot

✅ GDPR-complient

✅ Easy to Use

✅ Mobile friendly

✅ Small memory footprint

✅ Highly customizable


The banner on the screenshot above has been created using only the 14 lines you can see below.

var cyn = new CookieYesNo({
  categories: {
    required: {
      name: 'Required cookies',
      description: 'These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly',
      accepted: true,
      changeable: false
    analytics: {
      name: 'Web analytics',
      description: 'These cookies are used to analyze the user\'s behavior.'



The configuration is the only argument of new CookieYesNo(config) and is a map, The following things can / have to be configured:

  • categories (Map) Required » Take a look at the category configuration
  • text (Map) [optional] Link placeholders can be used
    • above (String) [optional] Text above the section where the user can select specific cookie-categories
    • below (String) [optional] Text below the section where the user can select specific cookies
  • title (String) [optional - by default "Cookie Settings"] Title of the banner
  • acceptAllButtonText (String) [optional - by default "Accept all cookies"] Text of the button that's for accepting all cookies
  • acceptSelectionButtonText (String) [optional - by default "Accept selected cookies"] Text of the button that's for accepting only selected cookie categories
  • privacyPolicy (Map) [optional]
    • url (String) URL of your privacy policy (in case the banner covers the link on the actual page)
    • text (String) Text of the link
  • cookiePolicy (Map) [optional]
    • url (String) URL of your cookie policy (String)
    • text (String) Text of the link
  • imprint (Map) [optional]
    • url (String) URL of your imprint (required in case that the banner covers the link on the actual page)
    • text (String) Text of the link
  • version (String) [optional] Version of the configuration - if you change the version - the user has to consent again (for the case that you change something in the categories) - Use any text you like to, I recommed the date of the change. If not version has been set before, the user also give his consent again.

Category configuration

Each cookie category is an item in the categories-Map. Here a short example:

categories: {
  required: {
    name: 'Required cookies',
    accepted: true,          // preselected
    description: 'These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly.',
    changeable: false       // user can not change this option
  analytics: {
    name: 'Web Analytics',
    description: 'These cookies are used to analyze the user\'s behavior.'

Configuration possibilities of a category

  • name (String) Required Name/Title of the cookie category
  • description (String) Required Description of the cookie category
  • accepted (Boolean) [optional - by default false] If the category is preselected
  • changeable (Boolean) [optional - by default true] If the user can change the value
  • reloadOnReject (Boolean) [optional - by default true] If the page is reloaded if the cookie category gets rejected - We need to do this to stop scripts from running that would set cookies.
  • onAccept (Array) [optional - by default []] Shortcut for Events
  • onReject (Array) [optional - by default []] Shortcut for Events
  • onChange (Array) [optional - by default []] Shortcut for Events

Script blocking

Blocking external scripts

You have to replace src with data-cyn-src and have to set the type to text/plain. The data-cyn-require attribute specifies which cookie category has to be allowed to run the script. So analytics has to be the key of the Web Analytics category in the categories map.

<script type="text/plain" data-cyn-src="analytics.js" data-cyn-require="analytics"></script>

Blocking inline scripts

Caution: May not block the execution of the script in older Firefox versions! External script blocking (above) is safe to use as well as Events (below). Use these medthods instead. The type attribute has to be set to text/plain. The script will be executed when the category with the key analytics is allowed.

<script type="text/plain" data-cyn-require="analytics">


Note: the category argument in the methods below is the key of the specific category in the categories map in the configuration map.

onAccept(category, callback)

Callback function gets executed when the specified category gets acceped.

onReject(category, callback)

Callback function gets executed when the specified category gets rejected. Explicitly return false if you don't want to reload the site. This can also be done by the config. If you like to reload the page either return nothing or return true.

onChange(category, callback)

Callback function gets executed when the specified category gets changed. The first argument of the callback function is a Boolean that states if the category has been accepted (true) or rejected (false).

First the onChange callbacks are executed, then the scripts are activated if necessary and then onAccept and onReject callbacks are executed.

Other methods


Get the current cookie settings as a map.


Let the user review his consent.


Show the cookie banner.


Hide the cookie banner.

Link placeholders

Link placeholders can be used in the text.above and text.below. Simply put PRIVACY_POLICY, COOKIE_POLICY, or IMPRINT in the String. These will be replaced with the matching links. Note: In order to use this feature you have to specify the links in the configuration.

Modify the banner

It's pretty simple: just use CSS-rules. The following classes are available:

  • .cyn-banner: main banner element
  • .cyn-categories: table containing the different cookie categories
  • .cyn-btn-save: save settings button
  • .cyn-btn-accept-all: accept all button

Based on and (both MIT License) Take a look at LICENSE_ROLLUP_STARTER_APP and LICENSE_ROLLUP_STARTER_LIB.