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Weijia Sun edited this page Dec 13, 2018 · 3 revisions

Writing workflows in SciLuigi

Creating workflows in SciLuigi differs slightly from how it is done in vanilla Luigi. Very briefly, it is done in these main steps:

  1. Create a workflow tasks class
  2. Create task classes
  3. Add the workflow definition in the workflow class's workflow() method.
  4. Add a run method at the end of the script
  5. Run the script

Create a Workflow task

The first thing to do when creating a workflow, is to define a workflow task.

You do this by:

  1. Creating a subclass of sciluigi.WorkflowTask
  2. Implementing the workflow() method.


import sciluigi

class MyWorkflow(sciluigi.WorkflowTask):
    def workflow(self):
        pass # TODO: Implement workflow here later!

Create tasks

Then, you need to define some tasks that can be done in this workflow.

This is done by:

  1. Creating a subclass of sciluigi.Task (or sciluigi.SlurmTask if you want Slurm support)
  2. Adding fields named in_<yournamehere> for each input, in the new task class
  3. Define methods named out_<yournamehere>() for each output, that return sciluigi.TargetInfo objects. (sciluigi.TargetInfo is initialized with a reference to the task object itself - typically self - and a path name, where upstream tasks paths can be used).
  4. Define luigi parameters to the task.
  5. Implement the run() method of the task.


Let's define a simple task that just writes "foo" to a file named foo.txt:

class MyFooWriter(sciluigi.Task):
    # We have no inputs here
    # Define outputs:
    def out_foo(self):
        return sciluigi.TargetInfo(self, 'foo.txt')
    def run(self):
        with self.out_foo().open('w') as foofile:

Then, let's create a task that replaces "foo" with "bar":

import os
class MyFooReplacer(sciluigi.Task):
    # Here, we take as a parameter what to replace foo with.
    replacement = sciluigi.Parameter() 
    # Here we have one input, a "foo file":
    in_foo = None
    # ... and an output, a "bar file":
    def out_replaced(self):
        # As the path to the returned target(info), we
        # use the directory of the foo file, and save the modified
        # version to a file called bar.txt
        out_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.in_foo().path), 'bar.txt')
        return sciluigi.TargetInfo(self, out_file)

    def run(self):
        with self.in_foo().open() as in_f:
            with self.out_replaced().open('w') as out_f:
                # Here we see that we use the parameter self.replacement:
                out_f.write('foo', self.replacement))

The last lines, we could have instead written using the command-line sed utility, available in linux, by calling it on the commandline, with the built-in ex() method:

    def run(self):
        # Here, we use the in-built self.ex() method, to execute commands:
        self.ex("sed 's/foo/{repl}/' {in_file} > {out_file}".format(

Write the workflow definition

Now, we can use these two tasks we created, to create a simple workflow, in our workflow class, that we also created above.

We do this by:

  1. Instantiating the tasks, using the self.new_task(<unique_taskname>, <task_class>, *args, **kwargs) method, of the workflow task.
  2. Connect the tasks together, by pointing the right out_* method to the right in_* field.
  3. Returning the last task in the chain, from the workflow method.


import sciluigi
class MyWorkflow(sciluigi.WorkflowTask):
    def workflow(self):
        foowriter = self.new_task('foowriter', MyFooWriter)
        fooreplacer = self.new_task('fooreplacer', MyFooReplacer,

        # Here we do the *magic*: Connecting outputs to inputs:
        fooreplacer.in_foo = foowriter.out_foo

        # Return the last task(s) in the workflow chain.
        return fooreplacer

Add a run method to the end of the script

Now, the only thing that remains, is adding a run method to the end of the script.

You can use luigi's own, or our own two methods:

  2. sciluigi.run_local()

The run_local() one, is handy if you don't want to run a central scheduler daemon, but just want to run the workflow as a script.

Both of the above take the same options as, so you can for example set the main class to use (our workflow task):

# End of script ....
if __name__ == '__main__':

Run the workflow

Now, you should be able to run the workflow as simple as:


... provided of course, that the workflow is saved in a file named

More Examples

See the examples folder for more detailed examples!