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The Drone Swarm Search project provides an environment for SAR missions built on PettingZoo, where agents, represented by drones, are tasked with locating targets identified as shipwrecked individuals.


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DSSE Icon Drone Swarm Search Environment (DSSE)

Welcome to the official GitHub repository for the Drone Swarm Search Environment (DSSE). This project offers a comprehensive simulation platform designed for developing, testing, and refining search strategies using drone swarms. Researchers and developers will find a versatile toolset supporting a broad spectrum of simulations, which facilitates the exploration of complex drone behaviors and interactions in dynamic, real-world scenarios.

In this repository, we have implemented two distinct types of environments. The first is a dynamic environment that simulates maritime search and rescue operations for shipwreck survivors. It models the movement of individuals in the sea using a dynamic probability matrix, with the objective for drones being to locate and identify these individuals. The second is a environment utilizing the Lagrangian particle simulation from the open-source Opendrift library, which incorporates real-world ocean and wind data to create a probability matrix for drone SAR tasks. In this scenario, drones are tasked with covering the full search area within the lowest time possible, while prioritizing higher probability areas.

📚 Documentation Links

  • Documentation Site: Access comprehensive documentation including tutorials, and usage examples for the Drone Swarm Search Environment (DSSE). Ideal for users seeking detailed information about the project's capabilities and how to integrate them into their own applications.

  • Algorithm Details: Explore in-depth discussions and source code for the algorithms powering the DSSE. This section is perfect for developers interested in the technical underpinnings and enhancements of the search algorithms.

  • PyPI Repository: Visit the PyPI page for DSSE to download the latest release, view release histories, and read additional installation instructions.

DSSE - Search Environment

🎥 Visual Demonstrations

Above: A simulation showing how drones adjust their search pattern over a grid.

🎯 Outcome

If target is found If target is not found

⚡ Quick Start

⚙️ Installation

Quickly install DSSE using pip:

pip install DSSE

🛠️ Basic Env Search Usage

from DSSE import DroneSwarmSearch

env = DroneSwarmSearch(
    vector=(1, 1),
    person_initial_position=(15, 15),

def random_policy(obs, agents):
    actions = {}
    for agent in agents:
        actions[agent] = env.action_space(agent).sample()
    return actions

opt = {
    "drones_positions": [(10, 5), (10, 10)],
    "person_pod_multipliers": [0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 1.2],
    "vector": (0.3, 0.3),
observations, info = env.reset(options=opt)

rewards = 0
done = False
while not done:
    actions = random_policy(observations, env.get_agents())
    observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos = env.step(actions)
    done = any(terminations.values()) or any(truncations.values())

DSSE - Coverage Environment

🎥 Visual Demonstrations

Above: A simulation showing how drones adjust their search pattern over a grid.

⚡ Quick Start

⚙️ Installation

Install DSSE with coverage support using pip:

pip install DSSE[coverage]

🛠️ Basic Coverage Usage

from DSSE import CoverageDroneSwarmSearch

env = CoverageDroneSwarmSearch(
    disaster_position=(-24.04, -46.17),  # (lat, long)
    pre_render_time=10, # hours to simulate

opt = {
    "drones_positions": [(0, 10), (10, 10), (20, 10)],
obs, info = env.reset(options=opt)

step = 0
while env.agents:
    step += 1
    actions = {agent: env.action_space(agent).sample() for agent in env.agents}
    observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos = env.step(actions)


🆘 Support

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please file an issue on our GitHub issues page.

📖 How to cite this work

If you use this package, please consider citing it with this piece of BibTeX:

      title={DSSE: a drone swarm search environment}, 
      author={Manuel Castanares, Luis F. S. Carrete, Enrico F. Damiani, Leonardo D. M. de Abreu, José Fernando B. Brancalion and Fabrício J. Barth},


The Drone Swarm Search project provides an environment for SAR missions built on PettingZoo, where agents, represented by drones, are tasked with locating targets identified as shipwrecked individuals.




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