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RaspLogger is a collection of datalogger modules that capture data and store them in an influxdb database


  • destiny - clan details
  • fitbit - collect health data from fitbit api
  • lights - collect smart lighting info from philips hue
  • parking - collect parking data from amsterdam parking api
  • pv - collect solarpanel data from
  • router - collect router data from fritzbox
  • temperature - collect outside temperature from a particle photon arduino sensor
  • thermostat - collect temperature data from tado smart thermostat

getting started

create an environment file and fill it with the required variables per module by copying the example file:

cp .env.dist .env

ensure an influxdb server is running

docker run -d -p 8086:8086 -v ~/influxdb/data:/var/lib/influxdb/data --restart always --name influxdb influxdb

run rasplogger through docker

docker run -it --rm --name rasplogger -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app --restart always node:13-buster node rasplogger.js once destiny -u http://influxdb:8086/destiny


Usage: rasplogger [options] [command]

  -V, --version              output the version number
  -u, --url <url>            influx database url
  -h, --help                 display help for command

  once <module>              run rasplogger once for a specific module
  cron <module> <frequency>  run rasplogger using cron for a specific module with a specific cron frequency string
  all                        run all rasplogger modules concurrently with predefined cron values
  help [command]             display help for command


log destiny data once

node rasplogger.js once parking -u http://localhost:8086/parking

log parking data every second

node rasplogger.js cron parking "* * * * * *" -u http://localhost:8086/parking

log pvdata every 5 minutes

node rasplogger.js cron pv "*/5 * * * *" -u http://localhost:8086/pv

log router data every 30 minutes

node rasplogger.js cron parking "*/30 * * * *" -u http://localhost:8086/parking

start all loggers through cron at the same time (-u is used to specify base influxdb string without databasename)

node rasplogger all -u http://localhost:8086

grafana dashboards

you can use the following grafana dashboard exports to visualise the data collected by rasplogger

pv dashboard PV Output dashboard json export for Grafana 6.7.3


nodejs datalogger writing data to influx, capable of running on raspberry pi






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