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molecule Build Status Clojars Project


Molecule is a simple, intuitive wrapper for the datomic library with the goal (for now) of simplying the querying of datomic entities.

Why should I care?

Have you found yourself writing derivations of this?

(->> (d/q '[:find ?e
            :in $ ?name
            :where [?e :object/name ?name]]
            db name)
       (d/entity db))

=> {:db/id 17592186045422}


(entity {:object/name name})

=> {:db/id 17592186045422}

BUT! What about multiple entities?! Well that's easy too!

(->> (d/q '[:find ?e
            :in $ ?name
            :where [?e :object/type :object.type/gas]]
          db name)
     (map #(d/entity db (first %))))

=> ({:db/id 17592186045420} {:db/id 17592186045422})


(entities {:object/type :object.type/gas})

=> ({:db/id 17592186045420} {:db/id 17592186045422})

It does all this and a little more. Please look at the examples below.


This should be really easy!

[molecule "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"] ;; add to your project.clj

Then it's as simple as requiring molecule in the namespaces you'd like to use it from within

(ns mycoolapp.query
  (:require [molecule.core :as m]))

In order for molecule to work we need to initialize our conn atom I have made this handy-dandy function to help with that.

(init db-uri)

It will also load your schema (and seed data), if you'd like. Both of these args are optional.

(init db-uri "schema-path.edn" "seed-data.edn")

The database value is always at your fingertips.



You are by no means forced to use either the init or the db fn's. You are welcome to manage your own connection.

All functions accept a database-value as the first argument to the fn's.

(entities your-db :object.type/gas)

Show me more!

It's good to know that all molecule functions accept the database value as an argument:

(entity (db) 17592186045420)

=> {:db/id 17592186045420}

Well let's start simple. We can fetch an entity using an entity-id

(entity 17592186045420)

=> {:db/id 17592186045420}

Or by multiple entity ids

(entities {:db/id [17592186045420 17592186045422]}

=> ({:db/id 17592186045420} {:db/id 17592186045422})

Sometimes just an entity id is enough.

(e {:object/type :object.type/gas})

=> (17592186045420 17592186045422)

This is where it starts to get useful. Ever needed all the entities with an attribute?!

(entities :object/name)

=> ({:db/id 17592186045419} {:db/id 17592186045420} ...)

Have you ever needed to work with more complicated entity relationships? Perhaps a planet within a solar system? Molecule makes it easy to traverse parent entities. Let's create a solar system and add some objects.

@(d/transact @conn [{:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/user)
                                      :solar-system/name "OURS"
                                      :solar-system/planets (e :object/name)}])

=> {:db-before datomic.db.Db@860d79f3, :db-after datomic.db.Db@f6674476, :tx-data [#datom[13194139534334 50 #inst "2017-01-08T19:06:39.509-00:00" 13194139534334 true] #datom[17592186045439 63 "OURS" 13194139534334 true] #datom[17592186045439 64 17592186045419 13194139534334 true] #datom[17592186045439 64 17592186045420 13194139534334 true] ..., :tempids {-9223350046623220537 17592186045439}}

;; Now we can actually do this! And it will only show the objects within our solar system

(entities {:solar-system/_planets 17592186045439 :object/name "Jupiter"})

=> ({:db/id 17592186045420})


Warn if datomic dependency isn't present

Transact entities



Geoff Catlin


Copyright © 2016

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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