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Installing Configs

My general approach is to link the expected location of the configuration files to this directory.

Get the repo

Clone it into ~/.config/my_configs:

cd ~
mkdir .config
cd .config
git clone

You may have to install xcode - even if it prompts you at first, you might have to do it again via xcode-select --install.


Install homebrew, as per the instructions on their website.


The default would be to brew install python@whatever and then create aliases in your .bash_profile, e.g.

alias python='/opt/homebrew/bin/python3'
alias pip='/opt/homebrew/bin/pip3'

Then do

pip install jupyter flake8 jedi autopep8 yapf

Bash profile

From this repo's root, do

ln -s ~/.config/my_configs/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile


brew install tmux, then put the tmux config in place:

ln -s ~/.config/my_configs/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf


I store sensitive tokens and keys in ~/.tokens. Right now it's just the circle CI token. For a new machine, probably best to re-generate these.

Terminal style

Go into terminal preferences, and select "Import" from the bottom gear thing of the themes menu. You'll probably have to move zenburn.terminal to the desktop to make it visible.

To allow yourself to delete a word at a time using Ctrl-delete, enter the keyboard shortcut manually. The "Action" you want to link this to is \033\177, which you get by doing esc delete.

IPython Startup

Link the ipython_startup directory, as follows:

ln -s ~/.config/my_configs/ipython_startup ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup

Plot style

The file implements the zenburn color theme in matplotlib plots (& seaborn, if available). This makes it play nice with Emacs IPython Notebook.

I never got zenburn.mplstyle to work properly. I'll leave it here for now.

Default Keybindings

These are nice - get emacs-like text motions in (some) macOS apps, like Messages, Slack, etc. Do

mkdir ~/Library/KeyBindings
ln ~/.config/my_configs/DefaultKeyBinding.dict ~/Library/KeyBindings/

This can't be a soft-link; if it is it won't get seen by macOS. Also, make sure to go to System Preferences and set your caps lock key to control. Also also, remove all the system-predefined shortcuts involving control; they're all in System Preferences under "Mission Control". These override application keys if they're active.


Install the universal emacs OSX binaries; this will allow you to put the app on the dock, so it's more app-y and less command-utility-y.

Do this after you set up your keybindings, since then you'll have the meta key set to the apple key as you're used to.

Then, put your .emacs in place: ln -s ~/.config/my_configs/.emacs ~/.emacs. This should be plug-and-play, save for getting Zenburn from github, which is outlined in the .emacs file itself.

You will also need to install Fira Code if that's still the font in use.

For nano-emacs, you'll need to clone this repo and make sure that it's in the right place for your .emacs file; look for the call to load-file, which is what initializes the nano-stuff.

Install Roboto-Mono and Fira-Code fonts.



ln -s ~/.config/my_configs/.gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global
ln -s ~/.config/my_configs/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig

Since 2-factor authentication is set up, you'll need to generate a token instead of using your github password.


I've included my QMK keyboard firmware JSON in here, as well. You can go to the QMK configurator and load it to play around.

Other Stuff

I use dropbox to back up my org files. I use google drive to back up my notebooks directory. Why do I use different clients for these? I'm not really sure. Maybe I could use the same for both.

I've included a pip-freeze just in case, but using most recent versions of things should usually work. This is as-of 1/5/2021, and probably will be out-of-date soon.

I use SizeUp for window management. I set Fn-Ctrl-Shift-{Up, Down, Left, Right, M} to move or full-screen (M) the window. This keybinding is set up to play nicely with my ergonomic keyboard.

1Password is for password management.


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