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Sahib B edited this page Sep 3, 2022 · 7 revisions

Listing ID

This is a unique alphanumerical ID that belongs to the property and is how it's listed on various MLS and realtor websites like Zillow, Redfin, Berkshire Hathaway, Trulia, etc. You can plug the ID into any realtor site and it'll return the exact same property. It's a useful consistency.

For this website, the Listing ID links to the listing on Berkshire Hathaway Home Services. Because realtors aren't required to post their property on a specific MLS (or any at all!), sometimes this link will be broken. But if the listing is available, you can get additional details like interior amenities, furniture, etc. along with the realtor-provided puff piece.

Physical Sub Type

Real estate listings often have the property type to describe the type of property for sale or rent. These types include

  • "apartment"
  • "single family home"
  • "townhouse"
  • "duplex"
  • "triplex"
  • "ranch house"
  • "condo"

and many more. This is useful for renters because you'll quickly get an idea if the property suits your needs or not. Married with 2 kids and a dog? You probably won't be too keen on living in an apartment because of the lack of space, but a larger single family home or townhouse might be perfect for you.

Some listings also further discriminate with a suffix that's based on if the property is attached or detached to another building. For example, the subtype CONDO/D means "Condo, (D)etached". The subtype TWNHS/A means "Townhouse, (A)ttached". If you hate noise coming from your shitty neighbors and loud TV/relationship arguments, you might want to filter only by (D)etached properties.

Rental Terms

This describes the length of the lease for the property.

Rental Term Description
MO Monthly
12M Yearly (12 Months)
24M 2 years
NG Negotiable


This syntax is split into 5 parts: (beds) / (total baths), (full baths) , (half bath), (three quarter bath).

A property that says "2/2,1,1,0" would mean:

  • 2 beds
  • 2 total bathrooms
  • 1 full bathroom
  • 1 half bathroom
  • 0 three-quarter bathrooms

Wondering what counts as a "full" bathroom? Check out this article.

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