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Percy Health is an API under development seeking to streamline the process of collecting and maintaining Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) through medical surveys.


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Welcome to Percy Health


Percy Health is an API under development seeking to streamline the process of collecting and maintaining Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) through medical surveys. Currently, the API features two entities:

  1. Questionnaire data. Each questionnaire is represented as one database object, which includes all it's questions, respones, and scoring instructions. These questionnaires are easily generated and customizable via an excel formatting system. See this repository for more on creating surveys. These objects are designed to be easily rendered in various frontend user experiences.
  2. Response data. Each time a survey is taken, the question-to-answer key/value pairs are recorded. With the values, we hope to develop a functionality that instantaneously calculates the user's score, depending on the scoring system provided with the questionnaire itself. Additionally, interested parties such as PCPs or other medical professionals should be able to replicate and review the survey along with the user's responses.

Currently, there are also a user and resource entities in the repository. These came with the template and have not been thoroughly designed nor tested for use with this product. They may be useful in the development of future entities.

Tech Stack

  • React.js
  • Express
  • Jest
  • MongoDB (see .env file for the connection string to manipulate this data via MongoDB Compass or login online via the Percy Health admin)


  1. Clone this repository into Visual Studio Code
  2. Add the file .env in the root directory (contact an admin or contributor for this information)
  3. Run yarn to install all packages
  4. Run yarn dev to start the server


  1. Run yarn test to run test suites



Percy Health is an API under development seeking to streamline the process of collecting and maintaining Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) through medical surveys.







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