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VIES Registry Client for .NET

This repo contains simple .NET Client to fetch just the very basic info based on VAT number from VIES Registry.


The main file is ViesClientImpl.cs which is as simple as follows:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ViesClient.CheckVatService;
using ViesClient.Requests;
using ViesClient.Selectors;

namespace ViesClient
    public class ViesClientImpl
        public static async Task<ViesSelector> CheckVatNumber(ViesRequest request)
            checkVatRequestBody body = new checkVatRequestBody(request.CountryCode, request.VatNumber);
            checkVatRequest viesRequest = new checkVatRequest(body);
            checkVatResponseBody responseBody = null;

                using (checkVatPortTypeClient client = new checkVatPortTypeClient())
                    checkVatResponse viesResponse = await client.checkVatAsync(viesRequest);
                    responseBody = viesResponse.Body;
                return new ViesSelector()
                    Address = responseBody.address,
                    CountryCode = responseBody.countryCode,
                    Name =,
                    RequestDate = responseBody.requestDate,
                    Valid = responseBody.valid,
                    VatNumber = responseBody.vatNumber
            catch (Exception ex)
                // todo: you can log somewhere
                return null;

Just copy and include in your .NET project. This one has been tested on .NET 4.5. There is one NUGET you might need for decorating mapping classes - since this code has been written for use in Web API controller. You can throw it out, if you wish.

Unit Test

There is also a UT file in Test folder called ViesTest.cs. Which goes like this:

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using ViesClient;
using ViesClient.Requests;
using ViesClient.Selectors;

namespace UnitTests
    public class ViesTest
        public async Task CheckVatNumberTest()
            ViesRequest request = new ViesRequest() { CountryCode = "CZ", VatNumber = "add-8-digit-number-here" };
            var result = await ViesClientImpl.CheckVatNumber(request);
            Assert.IsTrue(result != null && result is ViesSelector);

There is a bit of proprietary assy reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting you might struggle a bit with.

Do not forget to add proper country code and the 8-digit VAT number into the UT code.

And that's all.


VIES Registry Client for .NET







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