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Workflow management

This repository contains a workflow manager and a set of libraries designed to simplify the implementation of complex workflows via a set of independent (micro)services that can be independently scaled.

Each workflow is modeled as a sequence of steps with dependencies. A workflow job is identified by a unique UUID and associated with an optional json message. Worker services wait for requests on a message bus queue and reply back to the workflow manager with a json message when a job step is complete.

Workflows can have subtasks. These tasks are children workflows trigger for each element of a given json list.

An configuration file example:

  - name: book-word-counts
      - name: book-split
      - name: section-counts
        task: word-counts
        depends: [ book-split ]
      - name: sum-splits
        depends: [ section-counts ]
      - name: store-title
      - name: word-counts
        itemListKey: sections
          - name: segment-word-counts

As an example assume that the goal of our example workflow is to count words in a book using a collection of micro-services that we want to scale independently. Our micro-services have access to a message bus they use to receive requests and a key-value database which they can use to exchange information.

In our example, the workflow is triggered using a uuid and an empty json payload. The book-split and store-title steps can immediately execute since they have an empty dependency list. We assume that the book-split step outputs a json body with a list of section uuids, which correspond to segments of the book that can be processed independently. Once this step executes the word-counts sub task is invoked for each section of the document. Dependent on the number of workers available for this step, the work of counting the document tokens can be parallelised. The sum-splits step is then invoked to aggregate the partial counts of each section.

The full example, including code and test script can be found in the a examples/word-counts subdirectory.

The workflow-manager coordinates the execution of each job by sending messages on a message-bus (RabbitMQ). It is not involved in scheduling the workers or managing the data. This is intentional since it allows it to integrate well in deployments where there is already a scheduler (e.g. Kubernetes) and a storage solution (e.g. distributed file-system or KV store such as BigTable).

Workers can be coded in any language supported by the message-bus (RabbitMQ). The worker requirements are as follows:

  • A worker should listen on a direct queue (defaults to step name but can be specified);
  • Incoming messages contain a correlation_id (job UUID and 'step' name) plus an additional json payload with application specific information;
  • The worker should reply to the workflow-manager with the same correlation_id and an option json result.
  • The worker should then 'ACK' the original message from the message bus;
  • If the worker processing generates an exception the worker should NACK the job message.

This protocol provides for at-least-once semantics.

Use cases

The expected use case is of an application where the user triggers a process that doesn't return immediately and should be accomplished as a sequence of coordinated steps. This approach allows one to separate the logic from the workers themselves.

The goal is to provide the functionality required to orchestrate micro-services without devolving into a full blown business process management (BPM) tool.

The current functionality is targeted at scenarios where at-least-once semantics are desired. The workflow-manager supports parallelism (multiple steps of a job active at a time) and it is expected that multiple worker processes can listen to the same queue.

Rollback style functionality is not supported.

There are several tools available that can manage workflows with rollback semantics but they are signficanly more complex and impose significant requirements on the application code. The main motivation for this tool is that the only requiremnts on a worker is that it can receive requests on a message queue.


The sub-directory pyworker contains a python library that is used in the example applications.

JSON message processing

Workflow processing steps can have more than once ancestor. In this case the json dictionary from the multiple steps is merged such that if a given key is repeated, the corresponding value is taken from the first json output to contain this given key in the dependency array order.

When json values are passed to subtasks, each element in the list corresponding to the json element specified by the task itemListKey parameter is passed to the child job with the key value which is the singular of the key.

For example, if itemListKey is "elements" and the input json dict at the start of the task as the value of:

    "topvalue": 1,
    "elements": [2, 3],

This would result in two sub-jobs with json messages of

    "topvalue": 1,
    "element": 2,


    "topvalue": 1,
    "element": 3,


These subjobs are expected to return values in the same json dictionary key. Which are then aggregated at the end of the task. If the subtasks do not transform the json messages, one obtains back the original message at the top level.


Received messages are logged to storage (sqlite3) and the state of running jobs can be recreated from the database on restart.


Additional message bus support:

  • Kafka
  • gRPC / REST using plain vanilla HTTP channels