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DevCon16 Kubernetes Workshop

Install minikube

Start a cluster

minikube start

Run a debug container

kubectl run -it debug --image=pdressel/devcon:debug /bin/bash
TOKEN=$(cat /var/run/secrets/
curl -sSk -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" https://$KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST:$KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT/api/v1 | jq .

See what is running in the cluster

kubectl get pods

View the dashboard

minikube dashboard

Install kubectl

curl -O for linux curl -O for mac os

Check that kubectl is working

kubectl version

kubectl get nodes

Scale deployments

kubectl get deployments
kubectl scale deployment debug --replicas=3
kubectl get deployments

Check running instances of application

kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pod <pod name>

Access logs of a pod

kubectl logs <pod name>

Deploy the frontend application

kubectl create -f frontend/frontend-deployment.yaml
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs <pod name>
kubectl port-forward <pod name> 8080
open http://localhost:8080/

Deploy the backend application

kubectl create -f backend/backend-deployment.yaml
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs <pod name>
kubectl port-forward <pod name> 8080
open http://localhost:8080/

Create a service to loadbalance the deployed applications

kubectl create -f frontend/frontend-service.yaml
kubectl get services
kubectl create -f backend/backend-service.yaml
kubectl get services

Access the frontend from outside the cluster

kubectl describe service frontend
open http://$(minikube ip):<nodeport>

Deploy mongodb PetSet

kubectl create -f mongodb/mongodb-service.yaml
kubectl create -f mongodb/mongodb-petset.yaml
kubectl get services
kubectl get petsets
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pvc
open http://$(minikube ip):<nodeport>

Scale all the things!

kubectl scale deployment frontend --replicas=5
kubectl scale deployment backend --replicas=3

Do a almost-rolling update of the frontend (healthchecks missing!)

kubectl apply -f frontend/frontend-deployment2.yaml
kubectl get pods

Deploy an ingress controller

kubectl create -f controller.yaml
kubectl create -f frontend/frontend-ingress.yaml
kubectl get ingresses
<edit /etc/hosts to resolve frontend.workshop to minkube ip>
kubectl describe service nginx-ingress-lb
open http://frontend.workshop:<nginx-ingress-lb nodeport>


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