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ryan is a simple UI test that checks if correct message is displayed for declined payment.

It is written in python using Behave for BDD and Selenium WebDriver for browser automation.

ChromeDriver is used as Chrome is the most popular browser in the world.

ryan finds elements by id or name wherever possible. Unfortunately not all elements on Ryanair page have id or name. In such cases ryan will use class or even css when simple class name is not available.

id, name and class are used for readability as they are implemented with css selector in Selenium Python bindings anyway ;)

Steps have no input error detection so please be aware of following restrictions (taken from example test input) when changing feature file:

  • Airport codes have to be written as 3 uppercase letters
  • Flight date has to be in dd/mm/yyyy format
  • Number of adults has to be a number
  • Number of children has to be a number
  • Card number can be in 'dddddddddddddddd' or 'dddd dddd dddd dddd' format
  • Card expiry date has to be in mm/yy format
  • CVV has to be a 3 digit number

For simplicity ryan is not checking Ryanair's restrictions on the maximum number of adults or adults with children.



ryan uses a MacOS chromedriver executable. It is bundled in the repo so no download is required.

Python 2.x

Bundled by default with MacOS thus no special download should be required.

behave package

Can be installed with:

pip install selenium

selenium package

Can be installed with:

pip install behave

How to run tests

Simply type:


in repo top-level directory.

For a test report in junit format you can run tests like this:

behave --junit --junit-directory output_directory

Test reports

An example junit test report for ryan would look like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="checkout.Booking on Ryanair page" skipped="0" tests="1" time="19.335644"><testcase classname="checkout.Booking on Ryanair page" name="Booking up to a declined payment" status="passed" time="19.335644"><system-out>
  Scenario: Booking up to a declined payment
    Given I make a booking from "DUB" to "SXF" on 21/10/2016 for 2 adults and 1 child ... passed in 16.582s
    When I pay for booking with card details "5555 5555 5555 5557", "10/18" and "265" ... passed in 2.753s
    Then I should get payment declined message ... passed in 0.000s


Things that CAN and SHOULD be improved (aka TODO)

  • Write proper method documentation
  • Use UI Map to gather all locators in one place (or one place per page)
  • Move magic numbers to constants
  • Introduce more variation in booking data as Ryanair detects duplicate bookings and displays a different error message for them
  • Introduce better granulation in Page Objects (page components)
  • Introduce some input error detection
  • Add requirements.txt for easier pip install of required packages
  • Use scenario outline to add more data to tests
  • Investigate why sometimes Ryanair page says there are no flights for given date when there are flights
  • Investigate why 1 second sleep is needed before pressing continue on extras page


UI tests for Ryanair page






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