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Listening Party

Full-stack TypeScript app for a shared peer-to-peer music queue between you and your friends.

Link to deployed app

NOTE: Since I am using the free tier of it might take a while to load. Also this is a WIP project, many features will not work or have not been implemented yet.

What is it?

This web app lets users joins rooms and add songs to a shared queue. Users can search Youtube (will eventually support other platforms) for songs to add to the queue.

Users can either just add songs and vote or also play music along with the room. ie. If you are in the same room/car you can join as a voter or if you are remote you can all listen to a synced music queue.


Have you ever been in a car, at home, or in an office where everybody wants to listen and add songs to the queue?

This project is partly for fun and to show a production ready application.

Project Overview

This monorepo contains all the code required to run Listening Party, it is split into 3 packages:

  • @listening-party/app - SPA frontend
    • React - Front end reactivity framework
    • Vite - For development server and bundling application
    • XState - Controls global and local state with state machines
    • Chakra UI - Component library for UI elements
  • @listening-party/server - Express and WebSocket Server for facilitating peer-to-peer connections between clients
  • @listening-party/core - Shared code between app and server

All packages use:

  • TypeScript - For development which is transpiled into JavaScript
  • ESLint - Finds and fixes problems in code
  • Prettier - Automatically formats code to be consistent
  • Jest/Vitest - For automatic unit testing
  • Husky - Automatically runs linting, testing and formatting before commiting

The monorepo uses pnpm and nx to handle workspaces and internal dependencies between packages (since both the app and server depend on core). nx is also used to handle build, dev and test scripts.

How does the P2P connection work?

It uses the WebRTC API for peer-to-peer connections. Data between peers is sent through an RTCDataChannel, Media streams are not utilised.The peers are connected in a mesh configuration where each peer has a seperate connection with each other peer, without a server. Although a SFU or other configuration may be more efficient for larger networks, since rooms are likely to be small and only data channel is used between peers (no video, no audio), a simple many-to-many mesh is sufficient.

Initially however, to facilitate the creation of each peer-to-peer connection, an intemediary signalling server is used. The signalling sequence diagram is shown below, showing two peers, Alice and Bob, making use of the signalling server to connect using WebRTC. The process requires the signalling server to resolve how to connect two peers over the internet. Once connected, the mesh does not need the signalling server to transfer data between peers, unlike a normal server-client app.

    participant A as Alice
    participant S as Signalling Server
    participant B as Bob
		opt Clicks Join
			A->>S: Join Room
		opt Clicks Create
			A->>S: Create Room
    S->>B: Room Joined
		activate B
		Note right of B: Create Offer	
		B->>A: Send Offer
		deactivate B
		activate A
		Note left of A: Create Answer	
    A->>B: Send Answer
		deactivate A
		activate B
		Note right of B: Create Candidate
    B->>A: Send Candidate
		deactivate B
		Note left of A: Peer Connected!

Project Setup


  • Make sure you have PNPM installed
  • Have a Spotify Application
  • Have a LastFM Application
  • Have Docker installed


  1. Clone this repository using git clone
  2. Run pnpm install


Run pnpm dev and navigate to the frontend endpoint in the terminal for development. This used vite and nodemon for the frontend and backend respectively

For building for production, use pnpm build


I use but this should be deployable anywhere with Docker. The Dockerfile runs a build step and serves the frontend using an express server.