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What is nodegallery?

Nodegallery is a simple HTTP/S server that turns any directory with images and videos into a gallery site.

What do I need?

In order to use nodegallery, you need a working node.js (of course).

You will also need GraphicsMagick and a version of FFmpeg that is capable of generating HTML5-compatible WEBM and/or MP4 (h264/aac) videos. For a good guide on building your own FFmpeg with these capabilites, see FFmpeg's Compilation Guide.

All the node.js library dependencies are included in this repository.

How do I use it?

To use nodegallery, follow these simple steps:

  1. Update settings.js for your application:
  module.exports = { 
                     port : '3000',  <--- the port number you want nodegallery to listen on  
                     sslKey : 'ssl/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key',   <--- the path to your SSL key file  
                     sslCert : 'ssl/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem',  <--- the path to your SSL certificate file  
                     sslCaCert : 'ssl/ca_cert.pem',  <--- only use this if you have a CA certificate (i.e. if you're not using a self-signed cert.)
                     useHttps : true,       <--- 'true' for HTTPS, undefined or false for HTTP  
                     imageDirectory : '/home/myhomedir/Pictures' <--- The path to your root images directory  
                     useauth: true,       <--- 'true' to require a login to match what's in the auth.js file  
  1. If you want to use authentication and (rudimentary) access control, add your login credentials to a file named 'auth.js' in the root of the application. The format of the auth.js file is:

  module.exports = { 
                      johnuser: {
                                 username: 'johnuser',
                                 password: 'mypassword',
                                 permissions: {
                                                '/privatepics': 'deny',
                                                '/videos/private': 'deny'

Note the leading slash in each directory name. Without it, the permissions will not be propoerly enforced. Also note that access controls are only directory-based. To grant a user full access to all directories, use the following:

  permissions: null

  1. Copy the executable nodegallery script to your PATH. Then you can run nodegallery with the command
  $ nodegallery start

for more information, run the command

  $ nodegallery help

You can name your applcation whatever you want by renaming the executable init script and making sure the $apppath variable at the beginning of that script points to the location of your application.

  1. You're done. Navigate to your nodegallery to see your pictures and videos.


Nodegallery will show images in the following formats:

  • JPEG (with extenstion jpg or jpeg)
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • BMP

Nodegallery will also only include HTML5-compatible WEBM and MP4 videos. Your videos must be converted/transcoded to one of these formats in order to view them in nodegallery.

Files and directories that start with a '.' (period) will not appear in nodegallery.

It's probably a good idea to avoid directory, image, and video names with nonstandard URL characters in them.


Create a slick image/video gallery website from just a directory full of files.






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