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DEPRECATED: Rasa UI Install Guide

Paul Aschmann edited this page Sep 5, 2019 · 1 revision

This guide is a installation guide for Ubuntu 16.04

Initial Steps

Open terminal and run the following commands:

sudo su
apt-get update

PostgreSQL Install

PostgreSQL - Used for storing training data (entities, intents, synonyms, etc.)

apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Switch to the postgres user

sudo -i -u postgres

Download the Schema and create the objects

postgres=# create database rasaui;
postgres=# ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'xxxxxxxxxx';
postgres=# \c rasaui
rasaui=# \i dbcreate.sql
rasaui=# \q

Rasa UI Install

Node.js/npm - Serves Rasa UI and acts as a middleware server for logging (to the PostgreSQL DB)

Pre-install check

  • Check your RASA NLU is up and running correctly e.g. curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/status
  • Check that PostgreSQL is running e.g. sudo service --status-all | grep postgres
  • Check nodejs is installed e.g. node -v


Please ensure prerequisites are fulfilled

Clone/download the Rasa UI repository

git clone

Step 1. Install the dependencies

cd rasaui
rasaui > npm install

Step 2. Update your package.json file to include the IP Addresses of your rasa server and the connection string of your postgres instance.

Step 3. Optional: Update your web/src/app.js file to include the IP Addresses of your local middleware server (no need to change this if the front end and middleware server are running on the same instance)

Step 4. Run HTTP server and middleware

rasaui > npm start