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Android app demonstrating e-commerce payment gateway with backend apis in node.js


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E-Commerce Payment Gateway

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Its a shopping cart application which lets user perform operation like signin, signup, view profile, edit profile, select the items they would like to purchase, and be able to pay for their order.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Profile Application Wireframe


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

  • Braintree - Credit Payment System
  • Android Studio
  • Node.js
  • Java


There are two folders to this project

  1. ProfileApplication - It contains an android project.
  2. webapp - Nodejs web application

A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

Clone the repo and open ProfileApplication folder inside android studio.

API Routes

Application is hosted on a heroku app server. Domain Link:

All the routes takes header as: Content-Type: application/json

Authentication Routes

  1. /auth/signin - post This api takes two parameters.

    1. username
    2. password this api check for the user's authentication and returns the jwt token.
  2. /auth/signup - post This api takes following parameters.

    1. firstName
    2. lastName
    3. email - unique
    4. username - unique
    5. password - more than 7 characters
    6. city
    7. gender It check for the user. If user already present then it won't sign up with that username. Once all the criteria are met it signup the new user and returns the jwt token
  3. /user/profile - get header: Authorization: Bearer Token It check for the provided user token and return the user data.

  4. /user/edit - post Api takes following parameters

    1. firstName
    2. lastName
    3. city
    4. gender It updates the user data for the logged in user. If the request is successful it returns with the success message.

Postman Collection Link:

Web Application

It is hosted on Heroku Running on following dependencies: Node: 10 Express: 4.17.1 Mongoose: 4.4

Web application Link:

DB Schema

Our database is hosted on mlab. We are using MongoDB for the application. User Model: - userId: auto-generated in numeric values - firstName: String - lastName: String - email: String [requires valid email id format, unique parameter] - username: String [unique parameter] - password: Stored using hashing. - salt: String - role: String [default: User] - city: String - gender: String - created: Date [default:]