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heroic efforts to explain the 2nd chain rule step
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davidearn committed Mar 15, 2024
1 parent d8fa76f commit 17a1c47
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 65 deletions.
154 changes: 89 additions & 65 deletions vignettes/brauer-ms.Rnw
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\newcommand{\djde}[1]{{\color{magenta}$\langle$\emph{DJDE: #1}$\rangle$}}
\newcommand{\needref}{{\color{orange}[NEED REF]}}
\newcommand{\dt}{{\rm d}t}
\newcommand{\ddt}[1]{\dfrac{{\rm d}#1}{{\rm d}t}}
\newcommand{\dbydt}[1]{{\rm d}#1/{\rm d}t}

%% derivatives
%% note that \d is a built-in accent macro
\newcommand{\dee}{{\rm d}}
\newcommand{\dt}{\dee t}

\newcommand{\Ipeak}{I_{\rm p}}
\newcommand{\tpeak}{t_{\rm p}}
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\usepackage{bm} % bold math
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%%\usepackage{array} % for m{...}
\newcommand{\ie}{i.e., }
\newcommand{\sens}{{\mathsf S}}

<<setup, echo=FALSE, include=FALSE>>=
## set default base-graphics plotting options
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -978,13 +997,13 @@ then the sensitivity equations are
If $\xvec$ and $\thetavec$ are $n$- and $m$-dimensional,
respectively, then the $nm$ \term{sensitivities} $\sens_{ij}(t)$
are given by the $n\times m$ \term{sensitivity matrix},
If $\xvec$ and $\thetavec$ are $\xindexmax$- and $\thetaindexmax$-dimensional,
respectively, then the $\xindexmax\thetaindexmax$ \term{sensitivities} $\sens_{ij}(t)$
are given by the $\xindexmax\times \thetaindexmax$ \term{sensitivity matrix},
\sensmat(t) = \gradtheta\xvec(t,\thetavec) \,.
\cref{eq:senseqns} defines a set of $nm$ differential
\cref{eq:senseqns} defines a set of $\xindexmax\thetaindexmax$ differential
equations for $\sens_{ij}$,
Expand All @@ -1000,60 +1019,77 @@ initial conditions
We can then use a further chain-rule step to compute the derivative of
the log-likelihood of the observations $\{\xvec_{t_\ell}\}$ (at times
$\{t_1,t_2,\ldots,t_{n_t}\}$) with respect to the parameters
\djde{to get this right, we need to be very explicit about dependence
on the trajectory model $\xvec(t,\theta)$ and the observation model}
We can then use a further chain-rule step to compute the (total)
derivative of the log-likelihood of the observations with respect to
the parameters. To get this right, it helps to make explicit
dependence on the trajectory ($\xvec$) versus dependence on the
parameters ($\thetavec$, which includes parameters of the trajectory
model and of the observation process model). For a general function
$\Phivec(\xvec,\thetavec)$, the total derivative with respect to
$\thetavec$ is
= \gradx\Phivec \; \gradtheta\xvec + \gradtheta\Phivec \,.
To apply this to the log-likelihood, it is helpful to make dependence
on the trajectory $\xvec$ explicit. To reduce notational confusion,
we write $\xvec[\ti]$ for the observations at times
$\ti\in\{t_1,t_2,\ldots,t_{\tindexmax}\}$, making it easier to
distinguish them from the fitted model trajectory evaluated at these
times, $\xvec(\ti,\thetavec)$. Then
&= \gradtheta\log\Pop\big(\{\xvec_{t_\ell}:\ell=1,\dots,n_t\} \mid \xvec(t,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big) \\
&= \gradtheta\log\prod_{\ell=1}^{n_t} \Pop\big(\xvec_{t_\ell} \mid \xvec(t,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big) \\
&= \sum_{\ell=1}^{n_t} \gradtheta\log \Pop\big(\xvec_{t_\ell} \mid \xvec(t,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big) \\
&= \sum_{\ell=1}^{n_t} \frac{1}{\Pop\big(\xvec_{t_\ell} \mid \xvec(t,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big)}
\gradx\Pop\big(\xvec_{t_\ell} \mid \xvec(t,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big) \, \sensmat(t)
&= \dd{}{\thetavec}\Big(\log\Pop\big(\{\xvec[\ti]:\tindex=1,\dots,\tindexmax\} \mid \xvec(\ti,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big)\Big) \\
&= \dd{}{\thetavec}\Big(\log\prod_{\tindex=1}^{\tindexmax} \Pop\big(\xvec[\ti] \mid \xvec(\ti,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big)\Big) \\
&= \dd{}{\thetavec}\sum_{\tindex=1}^{\tindexmax} \Big(\log \Pop\big(\xvec[\ti] \mid \xvec(\ti,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big)\Big) \\
&= \sum_{\tindex=1}^{\tindexmax} \dd{}{\thetavec}\Big(\log \Pop_\tindex(\xvec,\thetavec)\Big)
\qquad [\text{\footnotesize abbreviating $\Pop_\tindex(\xvec,\thetavec) \equiv
\Pop\big(\xvec[\ti] \mid \xvec(\ti,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big)$}]
&= \sum_{\tindex=1}^{\tindexmax} \frac{1}{\Pop_\tindex(\xvec,\thetavec)}
\Big( \gradx\Pop_\tindex(\xvec,\thetavec) \, \gradtheta\xvec
+ \gradtheta\Pop_\tindex(\xvec,\thetavec) \Big)\Big|_{\xvec=\xvec(\ti,\thetavec)} \\
&= \sum_{\tindex=1}^{\tindexmax} \frac{1}{\Pop_\tindex(\xvec,\thetavec)}
\Big( \gradx\Pop_\tindex(\xvec,\thetavec) \, \sensmat(\ti)
+ \gradtheta\Pop_\tindex(\xvec,\thetavec) \Big)\Big|_{\xvec=\xvec(\ti,\thetavec)}
\djde{there should be another term on the RHS associated with differentiating
wrt the component that does not depend on $\xvec$; notation $\partial/\partial\thetavec$
is problematic... need to think this through}
where we typically assume [\emph{cf.}~\cref{eq:NB}]
\djde{need to clarify that NB parameter $k$ is one of the params in $\thetavec$}
\Pop\big(\xvec_{t_\ell} \mid \xvec(t,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big) =
\prod_{i=1}^n\texttt{NB}(x_{i,t_\ell};x_i(t_\ell,\thetavec),\,\thetavec) \,.
where we typically assume the probability distribution
\Pop\big(\xvec[\ti] \mid \xvec(\ti,\thetavec),\,\thetavec\big) =
\prod_{\xindex=1}^\xindexmax\texttt{NB}(x_\xindex[\ti];\, x_\xindex(\ti,\thetavec),\,\thetavec) \,.
\djde{$k$ should be one of the parameters in $\thetavec$... awkward...
I'm also not sure about the embedded assumptions above when fitting
to multiple time series ($n>1$).}
Integrating the sensitivity equations \eqref{eq:senseqns.S}
in parallel with the ODEs \eqref{eq:genericODE} is a
computationally efficient and numerically stable way to calculate the
overall gradients of the log-likelihood with respect to the
parameters, which makes nonlinear estimation more robust and
efficient. We can also use these gradients to calculate CIs using the
Delta method. Raue \emph{et al.} \cite{raue2013lessons} give a
detailed comparison between using the sensitivity equations and
computing gradients by finite-difference approximations.
(Bj{\o}rnstad \cite{bjorn2018} Chapter 9 also gives
an introduction to trajectory matching.)

We have slightly abused notation here, compared with \cref{eq:NB}; we
have written $\thetavec$ rather than $k$ as the final argument of the
negative binomial distribution, since there might be a different $k$
for each observed variable $x_\xindex$, and we collect all parameters
into the single vector $\thetavec$. (The examples we discuss in this
paper involve only a single observe time series, so $\xindexmax=1$.)

Integrating the sensitivity equations \eqref{eq:senseqns.S} in
parallel with the ODEs \eqref{eq:genericODE} is a computationally
efficient and numerically stable way to calculate the overall
gradients of the log-likelihood with respect to the parameters, which
makes nonlinear estimation more robust and efficient. We can also use
these gradients to calculate CIs using the Delta method. Raue
\emph{et al.} \cite{raue2013lessons} give a detailed comparison
between using the sensitivity equations and computing gradients by
finite-difference approximations. (Bj{\o}rnstad
\cite[Chapter~9]{bjorn2018} also gives an introduction to trajectory

The \code{fitode} package\footnote{\code{fitode} is available on
\href{}{CRAN}, and can be
installed via \code{install.packages("fitode")}.} does all of this
computational work under the hood, and makes it as easy for a user to
fit an ODE to data as it was for us to use \code{nls} above to fit a
curve based on an analytical formula. We illustrate the use of the
package by fitting the SIR model~\eqref{eq:SIR} to the Bombay plague
\href{}{CRAN}, and can be installed via
\code{install.packages("fitode")}.} does all of this computational
work under the hood, and makes it as easy for a user to fit an ODE to
data as it was for us to use \code{nls} above to fit a curve based on
an analytical formula. We illustrate the use of the package by
fitting the SIR model~\eqref{eq:SIR} to the Bombay plague epidemic.

We begin by loading the package
<<load fitode, message=FALSE>>=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1869,18 +1905,6 @@ would be worth writing a paper (and accompanying software) that could
draw more dynamicists working on epidemic models into the world of

\bmb{do we need this paragraph? Seems irrelevant to the average reader \ldots}
\swp{It seems like a good practice to give credit to Dora who first started fitsir?
I wonder if it's more appropriate to do that in the acknowledgements though.
We also already mention fitsir in the main text.}
Initially, we developed \code{fitsir} (which fits the standard SIR
model \eqref{eq:SIR} to a single time series) as a purely pedagogical
tool, but we then found it tremendously useful for a research project
\cite{Rosa+21}. That experience motivated BB and SWP to develop
\code{fitode}, which can be used to fit any ODE model to (multiple)
time series, making it much more broadly useful for both pedagogy and

We have provided two answers to Fred's question of ``how'' to fit
models to data (via \code{nls} or \code{fitode}), and through examples
we have hinted at some of the reasons ``why'' such fitting can be very
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2153,7 +2177,7 @@ legend("topleft", bty="n", lwd=c(2,lwd*0.60,lwd,lwd*0.6),
The fitted trajectory
and confidence band are shown in \cref{fig:phila}.
See \cref{sec:phila}.}
%% making use of ragged2e and array packages:
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