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Unix Shell Variables

Variable Description
OH_HOME Path to OH repository
OPENEDA_HOME Path to Open EDA repository
EDA_HOME Path to proprietary PNR tool scripts directory
PROJ_HOME Path to your project home directory
PROCESS_HOME Path to foundry home directory

IP Library Setup

Variable Description
OH_LIBS List of target libraries (eg stdcells.db)
OH_LIBPATHS Search paths for target $OH_LIBS
OH_LIBPHYS Full path to library layout(/tmp/
OH_MACROLIBS List of macro libs (eg. /home/sram.db)
OH_MACROPHYS Full path to macro layout(/home/lib/sram_mw)
OH_MACROPATHS Optional search paths for $OH_MACROLIBS
OH_GDSLIBS List of all library GDS files
OH_LIBRULES Special tool specific library rules
OH_CELLS_HEADER List of header cells to use
OH_CELLS_CLK List of cells to use for CTS
OH_CELLS_ICG List of clock gating cells
OH_CELLS_HOLD List of preferred hold fix cells
OH_CELLS_ANT List of antenna cells
OH_CELLS_TIE List of tie cells
OH_CELLS_BOUNDARY List of boundary cells
OH_CELLS_DCAP List of decoupling cap cells
OH_CELLS_FILL List of filler cells
OH_CELLS_ISO List of isolation cells
OH_CELLS_DRIVE Name of default driver cell for constraints
OH_CELLS_PADFILL Name of io pad filler cells
OH_CELLS_TAP List of tap cells

Layout Rules (in micron)

Variable Description
OH_FINGRID Finfet grid size
OH_M1GRID Metal 1 grid size
OH_M2GRID Metal 2 grid size
OH_M3GRID Metal 3 grid size
OH_M4GRID Metal 4 grid size
OH_M5GRID Metal 5 grid size
OH_M6GRID Metal 6 grid size
OH_M7GRID Metal 7 grid size
OH_M8GRID Metal 8 grid size
OH_M9GRID Metal 9 grid size
OH_M10GRID Metal 10 grid size
OH_M11GRID Metal 11 grid size
OH_M12GRID Metal 12 grid size
OH_M13GRID Metal 13 grid size
OH_APGRID RDL routing grid
OH_TAPSPACE Maximum distance between tap cells
OH_ROW Standard cell library row height (12, 9, track etc)

Place and Route Tool Settings

Variable Description
OH_VENDOR Vendor namr for PNR tool
OH_TECHFILE Place and route tool technology file
OH_TECHMAP Layer Map file for PNR tool
OH_GDSMAP Mapping file for streaming out GDS
OH_DEBUG Enables verbose printing
OH_LAYER_MIN Minimum routing layer
OH_LAYER_MAX Maximum routing layer
OH_BLEEDING Set to "1" below 22nm
OH_THREADS Threads to use for PNR tool
OH_EFFORT Global effort setting for PNR tool
OH_REV Project specific revision
OH_VDD Global VDD net name ("vdd")
OH_VSS Global VSS net name ("vss")
OH_ANTCMD Antenna insertion command
OH_VIACMD Via insertion command
OH_TAPCMD Tap cell insertion command
OH_BOUNDARY_CMD Boundary cell insertion command
OH_POLYFILL_RULES Polyfill run set
OH_METALFILL_RULES Metalfill run set
OH_LVS_RULES LVS signoff run set
OH_DRC_RULES DRC signoff run set

Design Settings

Variable Description
OH_DESIGN Name of the design
OH_UPF UPF Power Definition file
OH_CONSTRAINTS Synopsys Design Constraints
OH_FLOORPLAN Floorplan file (proprietary or DEF)
OH_POWER Power grid creation command file
OH_SPECIAL Special routing nets and ports
OH_DESIGNPATHS Paths to design specific .libs
OH_DESIGNPHYS Full paths to design layout libraries
OH_DESIGNLIBS List of logical libraries


.sdc Synopsys Design Constraints
.upf Unified Power Format Specification
.sfp Synopsys Floorplan Format
.lib Synopsys Liberty Format (ascii)
.db Synopsys Compiled Liberty format
.vg Gate level Verilog Netlist
.v Verilog RTL
.vh Verilog RTL Header File
.rpt EDA tool reports


Place the following in your ~/.emacs file to turn on syntaxi highlighting

(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.sfp$" . tcl-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.upf$" . tcl-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.sdc$" . tcl-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.vg$" . verilog-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.vh$" . verilog-mode) auto-mode-alist))



Open source EDA chip design flow







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