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A somewhat advanced platformer written in the very simple programming language aimed at children, Scratch.

Scratch uses visual blocks to code, and has a lot of other limitations and performance problems, so I tried writing a game using real-world game development techniques such as a Game Loop, update and render functions, and a camera. After I made a mini-engine, I wrote a 2D Platformer with a large map (384x32 tiles, but width is expandable), and many stars hidden that you can try to collect (SMB64-style, but less effects). There's also an external level editor, by using a plain text file and a NodeJS program to convert it's format into something the scratch program can read, and also handles partial auto-tiling. The game can be played here

Written for the "Hack the Northeast" Hackathon.

dependencies used

  • scratch
  • nodejs
  • bash scripting

All the art, code, and (lack of) music was created by Dave Caruso.

how to develop with

  • Be on UNIX (Mac or Linux) or Windows WSL
  • Run ./ to pack src to an sb3 file.
  • Run ./ to unpack an sb3 file back to src.
  • Don't touch source manually unless merging or something.

As a shortcut, you can use ./ to copy project.sb3 from your ~/Downloads folder and run ./

how to leveledit

  • Edit level.txt
  • Run ./level-edit.js pack to pack the level.raw, which can be loaded via the Tilemap Sprite.

You can also unpack raw level codes, by using the export function in the Tilemap Sprite.

  • Put the raw code in level.raw
  • Run ./level-edit.js unpack to do the reverse of pack

level editor symbols

_ Blank Space

# Solid
^ One Way Solid (Up)
< One Way Solid (Left)
> One Way Solid (Right)
v One Way Solid (Down)

x Death Floor
X Death Block

| Checkpoint Column

r Inactive Red Block
R Active Red Block
f Red Switch (remember this as key under R)
g Inactive Green Block
G Active Green Block
b Green Switch (remember this as key under B)

O Star

future work

It would be cool to have a larger level with more things to explore, and do more stuff with onscreen sprite clones; Right now it's only the player sprite clone.

I'd also like to look into more git compatibility with scratch. This system works, but I'm not sure how merges will happen, I never was able to test the conflict.

The final thing that would be cool to look at would be the file format of Scratch 3. I see that each sprite, variable, event, costume, gets a unique id that is kind of unreadable, especially for image and audio filenames. It would be cool to have a "deobfuscation tool" to rename all the long ids of assets to what they are in the actual project, and get a nicer source view.


A platformer written with real world game dev techniques, in scratch.







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