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An embedded mine sweeper game library for Android.


Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your project level build.gradle file. (MyAwesomeProject/build.gradle)

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency to app level build.gradle file. (MyAwesomeProject/app/build.gradle)

dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.panchy:MineSweeperKt:1.6.8'

That's it!

How to use

Step 1. Include MSKView in your Activity's or Fragment's layout.


Step 2. Bind the MSKViewListener. It's function names are pretty self explanatory.

 mskView.listener = object : MSKViewListener {
            override fun onFoundAllMines() {
	    	//This will be triggered when player finds all the mines on the field.

            override fun onFlagMine(mineView: MineView) {
	    	//This will be triggered on flagging a block.
		//It will also pass the cleared block's view.

            override fun onMineExploded() {
	    	//This will be triggered on mine explosion.

            override fun onClearMine(mineView: MineView) {
	    	//This will be triggered on clearing a block. 
		//It will also pass the cleared block's view.

            override fun onGameTimerTick(totalSeconds: Int) {
	    	//This will be triggered each second passes during game time.
		//You can get the total seconds from totalSeconds parameter.

            override fun onLeftMineCountChangedBasedOnFlags(leftMinesBasedOnFlagsCount: Int) {
		//This will be triggered whenever a block is flagged. 
		//It will give you the amount of mines left based on the flags on the map.
		//However it's only assumption, it doesn't mean that flag locations are correct.

Step 3. Set customizations from a set of rules.

mskView.resourceUnclearedMine = R.drawable.--- //Drawable resource - Sets the image of block's uncleared state.
mskView.resourceClearedMine = R.drawable.--- //Drawable resource - Sets the image of block's cleared state.
mskView.resourceFlag = R.drawable.--- //Drawable resource - Sets the image of block's flagged state.
mskView.resourceMineBomb = R.drawable.--- //Drawable resource - Sets the image of block's exploded state.
mskView.resourceMineExplosionSound = R.raw.--- //Raw resource - Sets the sound of mine explosion.
mskView.resourceFlaggingSound = R.raw.--- //Raw resource - Sets the sound of flagging.
mskView.playSoundOnMineExplosion = true //Boolean - Turns off/on sound on mine explosion.
mskView.playSoundOnFlagging = true //Boolean - Turns off/on sound on flagging.
mskView.vibrateOnFlag = true //Boolean - Turns off/on vibration on flagging.
mskView.vibrateOnExplosion = true //Boolean - Turns off/on vibration on mine explosion.
mskView.vibrateDurationOnFlag = 500 //Integer - Sets the vibrate duration on flagging.
mskView.vibrateDurationOnExplosion = 500 //Integer - Sets the vibrate duration on mine explosion.
mskView.forceDrawingSquareBlocks = false //Boolean - Forces msk view to draw only square blocks.
mskView.mineCount = 24 //Integer - Sets the minecount. You should set this before initializing the msk view.
mskView.locked = false //Boolean - Changes the game state to playable or not.
mskView.moves = 0 //Int - This value is the current total moves of the player.

Step 3. Initialize the view. Width and height are how many blocks should be created horizontally and vertically. Third parameter determines whether user might find a mine on the first cleared block or not. If set to false, there is no way to find a mine on first block.

mskView.init(width = 10, height = 15, placeMinesAtStart = false)


MineSweeperKt is licensed under the MIT License. A short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.


An embedded implementation of mine-sweeper game for Android. Made with Kotlin.







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