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The pi bundle exposes a set of commands which allow privacyidea operators to view and edit details of privacyidea objects (tokens, users).

By default, no one can use this bundle:

  • pi:token-list requires pi:read
  • pi:token-reset requires pi:write
  • pi:token-delete requires pi:admin


In chat:

/dm @cog bundle install pi

From the command line:

cogctl bundle install pi


The pi bundle requires the privacyidea server FQDN, a username and a password of a user with rights to the realm and objects (tokens, users). You can set these variables with Cog's dynamic config feature:

echo -e "---
pi_fqdn: '<PI_SERVER_FQDN>'
pi_username: '<PI_USERNAME>'
pi_password: '<PI_PASSWORD>'" >> config.yaml
cogctl dynamic-config create pi config.yaml


To build the Docker image, simply run:

$ make docker

Requires Python 3.6.x, pip, make, and Docker.