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Golang Pipelines

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This repo contains an approach of Golang's Pipelines and its features, which are organized in branches, so you can go through the different milestones:

  1. original-sketch: the original approach discussed on the go blog
  2. refactoring
  3. autogen-stages
  4. fanInfanOut
  5. cancellation
  6. order

Some background

This repo exists because the first post in my blog, where I explain the pattern.


A simple example

         / 1 3 -> 2 6 \
>-------<               >------> [1, 2, 3] (maybe in other order)
  1 2 3  \   2 -> 4   /   /2

1st Stage   2nd Stage   3rd Stage

The code aims to be as declarative as possible:

ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

defer cancelCtx() // always remenber to finish the pipeline running cancelling his context for avoiding memory leaks

numbers := []int{1, 2, 3}

input := Converter(numbers...)

firstStage := Pipeline(ctx, identity)(input)

secondStage := FanOut(ctx, firstStage, RoundRobin, Pipeline(ctx, double), Pipeline(ctx, square))

merged := FanIn(ctx, secondStage...)

thirdStage := Pipeline(ctx, divideBy(2))(merged)

result := Sink(thirdStage)



>--------------------------------> []
   1, 3, 3    mult(2)     error
ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

defer cancelCtx()

numbers := []int{1, 2, 3}

input := Converter(numbers...)

firstStage := Pipeline(ctx, multBy(2), errFunc)(input)

result := Sink(firstStage)

fmt.Println(result) // []

When a stage finds an error the whole context gets cancelled and the whole pipeline closes, being cancelled also all the pipelines with the same context.

Order Sink (InOrder, Reverse and NoOrder)

When you use fan out and fan in you could specify on the sink phase the order of the results in relation with the input order. There are three options:

Order Behaviour Example
InOrder Deterministc 1, 2 < *2 > 2, 4
Reverse Deterministc 1, 2 < *2 > 4, 2
NoOrder Indeterministc 1, 2 < *2 > 2, 4 or 4, 2 (same as the previous example with Sink)
         / 1 3 -> 2 6 \
>-------<               >------> [1, 2, 3]
  1 2 3  \   2 -> 4   /   /2

1st Stage   2nd Stage   3rd Stage

result := SinkWithOrder(thirdStage, InOrder)



  • add more shedulers
  • logging
  • errors on observables
  • benchmarks