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This API has one endpoint that returns a fixed interest rate defined in the source code. The value returned here is used by the FutureValueApi to calculate the future value of an amount of money.



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Interest Rate API

This API has one endpoint that returns a fixed interest rate defined in the source code. The value returned here is used by the FutureValueApi to calculate the future value of an amount of money.



This project is using some libraries and frameworks:


To see the app running in a production environment, access

Running locally

First, clone the project to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

Then, to enter into the project directory, type into the terminal:

cd Osm.InterestRate\Osm.InterestRate.Api

Finally, run the app using the command shown below:

dotnet run --project Osm.InterestRate.Api.csproj

Now, the app is running and you can try it accessing the URL https://localhost:5001

Quick Reference

Key files

The table below shows the main files in the project

File Namespace Comment
InterestRateModel.cs Osm.InterestRate.Domain.Models A model class that stores the interest rate value.
InterestRateService.cs Osm.InterestRate.Domain.Services A service which uses a repository to retrieve an interest rate model.
InterestRateRepository.cs Osm.InterestRate.Data.Repositories Currently, this repository returns a fixed interest rate, but it can be changed at any time to get data from a database or from environment variables.
InterestRateController.cs Osm.InterestRate.Api.Controllers A controller which exposes the service to the external world. It validates the return of InterestRateService and returns an Internal Server Error. Otherwise, it will return a 200 status code.


The API has one endpoint called "/TaxaJuros". It returns the interest rate value within a JSON.


GET /TaxaJuros

curl -X 'GET' https://localhost:5001/TaxaJuros -H 'accept: application/json'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2022 12:36:30 GMT
Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



This API has one endpoint that returns a fixed interest rate defined in the source code. The value returned here is used by the FutureValueApi to calculate the future value of an amount of money.





