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Releases: overshare/overshare-kit

Version 1.2

27 Mar 20:11
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  • Facebook: Major changes. OSKFacebookContentItem replaces Facebook's previous participation in OSK as a kind of microblogging content item. It has it's own content item type and activity type. You may need to update any relevant Facebook customizations in your app. OSK's implementation of the Facebook OpenGraph API now treats creates proper link posts where possible, as opposed to plain text status updates. The user interface will display a thumbnail preview of the shared link while editing the post.
  • GooglePlus: Fixed some bugs with GooglePlus, including a missing @import for the CoreMotion framework and some missing items from the OvershareKit podspec. Also fixed the missing requirement for a GooglePlus application credential.
  • System Accounts: OSK now persists the last-selected system account for Facebook and Twitter activities. Facebook also persists the last-selected audience (Public, Friends, Only Me).
  • Copy to Pasteboard: Added support for copying images to the pasteboard with OSKCopyToPasteboardActivity.
  • Interface: Added an option to change the background color for text views (Twitter,, Facebook).
  • Kaizen: Refactored OSK's substitute for UITextView for clarity and separation of concerns. Changed the syntax highlighting enum to a bitwise mask, for granularity and flexibility.
  • Miscellaneous Bugs: Fixed some potential crashes related to missing checks for nil variables. Removed to-do list content items from the contentFromImage: convenience constructor since no to-do list activities yet support such content.

Version 1.1

20 Feb 23:21
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  • Smart Quotes Improved smart quote logic to be, well, smarter. Fixed bugs when quotes are inside opening brackets. Added support for ellipses (three periods), em-dashes (three consecutive dashes), and en-dashes (two dashes followed by anything but a dash). The correct single quote is used for decade abbreviations, as in: This is the ’80s, Greg.
  • Username Nomenclature Username field placeholder text and keyboards respect the username nomenclature of a given activity (email/username).
  • Change Renamed OSKPublishingViewControllerType to OSKPublishingMethod.
  • Added support for sending text to
  • Google+ Added support for sharing to Google plus. Thanks to @peterfriese!
  • Kaizen Minor UI improvements.
  • Cursor Swiping Fixed a bug that broke swiping by single chars when trying to move the cursor across composed characters (like an emojum).
  • Crashers Fix potential crashes in Pinboard and Instapaper sharing.
  • Link Shortening Now always hiding the link shortening button when composing a tweet, since Twitter’s API counts all links, no matter how short, either 23 or 24 characters long.
  • Facebook Facebook "Post" button not disabled when text length goes to zero.

Version 1.0.7

24 Jan 09:03
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  • Reading List. Users can now links to Reading List.
  • Twitter/ADN Character Counts. Moved remaining character count logic down into the OSKMicroblogginActivity protocol, since Twitter and have wildly different logic. This fixes incorrect character counts for tweets.
  • OSKTextView. Fixed a font bug in the text view. Added improvements to automatic smart quotes.
  • fixes. Added safety checks for potentially nil values from user fields.

Version 1.0.6

07 Jan 20:54
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  • iCloud Syncing: Added optional iCloud key-value storage syncing of activity type exclusion preferences. This is helpful if your app uses the relevant methods on OSKActivitiesManager to allow the user to toggle which activities she never wants to see in a share sheet. Enable syncing via the customizationsDelegate of OSKActivitiesManager. Note: OvershareKit never shows activities that launch other apps if those apps are not installed, i.e. 1Password, Chrome, etc.
  • Link Shortening: Changed link shortening from an automatic behavior to an explicit user action via a new link shortening button. This button appears when writing a new tweet or ADN post and the text contains one or more long links. You can disable this feature via the style delegate of OSKPresentationManager.
  • Image Attachments: Users can now remove programmatically-attached images when writing a new Facebook, Twitter, or post by tapping the attachment view. Remaining character counts are now decremented when writing a tweet based on the presence of image attachments.
  • Photo Sharing: Added an OSKPhotoSharingContentItem to the contentItem returned from contentFromImages: Via @cheesemaker.
  • Image Scaling: Adaptively downscale images to fit under the Twitter configuration size limit. Via @cheesemaker.
  • Username/Password Sign In Screens: Added smarter use of return keys when signing into services with the username/password screens.
  • Text Views: Fixed a bug that overlooked setting the scroll indicator insets along with the content insets.
  • Minor interface and bug fixes.

Version 1.0.4

15 Dec 17:04
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  • Navigation Bars: You can customize OSK navigation bars prior to presentation via a new method on your <OSKPresentationStyle> delegate object: osk_customizeNavigationControllerAppearance:. This method is called during the initialization of each new navigation controller. If you override this method, OSK will not make any modifications to navigation bars, such as choosing an appropriate bar style and tint color. Note: OSK uses OSKNavigationController, a stub subclass of UINavigationController, for all modal view controllers except for system view controllers (email and SMS). Since OSK uses this subclass, chances are you won't need to override osk_customizeNavigationControllerAppearance: at all. Using the standard UIAppearance "whenContainedIn" methods should suffice.
  • Font Descriptors: Added methods to <OSKPresentationStyle> via which you can return optional UIFontDescriptors for normal and bold weight fonts. If non-nil, OSK will use these descriptors to create appropriately-sized fonts for all interface labels.
  • Text View Font Size: Added a method to <OSKPresentationStyle> via which you can return a custom font size for Twitter / / Facebook text views.
  • Account Management Screen: Existing accounts (if any) are listed for each row. Users can now toggle which activities they want to see in activity sheets (in case you never use Pocket or Pinboard, etc.). Note: OvershareKit will never show an activity that is unavailable, regardless of the user's visibility preference. For example, Chrome will not appear if that app is not installed. This logic applies both to activity sheets and to the new toggle section.
  • Added numerous minor user interface improvements.
  • Fixed missing cancel button localization option.
  • Fixed potential crasher in sending a link to Pinboard.

Version 1.0.3

15 Dec 16:46
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  • Image upload JPEG conversion uses a high quality scale factor where appropriate, instead of a flat 0.25.
  • Short URLs: Long URLs in new microblog posts are automatically shortened (via
  • OSKSession: Refactored session management to use OSKSession to keep track of session identifiers and completion handlers. Rename OSKFlowController to OSKSessionController as part of this change.
  • OSKPresentationManger: Added an option to skip the activity sheet altogether and begin a sharing session with a given selected activity. This means your app can use its own custom share sheets while still being able to use OvershareKit's built in publishing and authentication view controllers.
  • Fixed a couple of minor bugs.