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Adonis AutoSwagger

Auto-Generate swagger docs for AdonisJS

💻️ Install

pnpm i adonis-autoswagger #using pnpm

⭐️ Features

  • Creates paths automatically based on routes.ts
  • Creates schemas automatically based on app/Models/*
  • Creates schemas automatically based on app/Interfaces/*
  • Rich configuration via comments
  • Works also in production mode
  • node ace docs:generate command


Create a file /config/swagger.ts

// for AdonisJS v6
import path from "node:path";
import url from "node:url";
// ---

export default {
  // path: __dirname + "/../", for AdonisJS v5
  path: path.dirname(url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) + "/../", // for AdonisJS v6
  title: "Foo",
  version: "1.0.0",
  tagIndex: 2,
  snakeCase: true,
  debug: false, // set to true, to get some useful debug output
  ignore: ["/swagger", "/docs"],
  preferredPutPatch: "PUT", // if PUT/PATCH are provided for the same route, prefer PUT
  common: {
    parameters: {}, // OpenAPI conform parameters that are commonly used
    headers: {}, // OpenAPI conform headers that are commonly used
  persistAuthorization: true, // persist authorization between reloads on the swagger page
  showFullPath: false, // the path displayed after endpoint summary

In your routes.ts

6️⃣ for AdonisJS v6

import AutoSwagger from "adonis-autoswagger";
import swagger from "#config/swagger";
// returns swagger in YAML
router.get("/swagger", async () => {
  return, swagger);

// Renders Swagger-UI and passes YAML-output of /swagger
router.get("/docs", async () => {
  return AutoSwagger.default.ui("/swagger", swagger);
  // return AutoSwagger.default.scalar("/swagger", swagger); to use Scalar instead
  // return AutoSwagger.default.rapidoc("/swagger", swagger); to use RapiDoc instead

5️⃣ for AdonisJS v5

import AutoSwagger from "adonis-autoswagger";
import swagger from "Config/swagger";
// returns swagger in YAML
Route.get("/swagger", async () => {
  return, swagger);

// Renders Swagger-UI and passes YAML-output of /swagger
Route.get("/docs", async () => {
  return AutoSwagger.ui("/swagger", swagger);

👍️ Done!

Visit http://localhost:3333/docs to see AutoSwagger in action.


  • async docs(routes, conf): get the specification in YAML format
  • async json(routes, conf): get the specification in JSON format
  • ui(path, conf): get default swagger UI
  • rapidoc(path, style): get rapidoc UI
  • scalar(path): get scalar UI
  • jsonToYaml(json): can be used to convert json() back to yaml

🧑‍💻 Advanced usage

Route.get("/myswagger", async () => {
  const json = await AutoSwagger.json(Route.toJSON(), swagger);
  // modify json to your hearts content
  return AutoSwagger.jsonToYaml(json);

Route.get("/docs", async () => {
  return AutoSwagger.ui("/myswagger", swagger);

Custom Paths in adonisJS v6

AutoSwagger supports the paths set in package.json. Interfaces are expected to be in app/interfaces. However, you can override this, by modifying package.json as follows.

"imports": {
  // ...
  "#interfaces/*": "./app/custom/path/interfaces/*.js"
  // ...

📃 Configure


Tags endpoints automatically

  • If your routes are /api/v1/products/... then your tagIndex should be 3
  • If your routes are /v1/products/... then your tagIndex should be 2
  • If your routes are /products/... then your tagIndex should be 1


Ignores specified paths. When used with a wildcard (*), AutoSwagger will ignore everything matching before/after the wildcard. /test/_will ignore everything starting with/test/, whereas \*/testwill ignore everything ending with/test.


Sometimes you want to use specific parameters or headers on multiple responses.

Example: Some resources use the same filter parameters or return the same headers.

Here's where you can set these and use them with @paramUse() and @responseHeader() @use(). See practical example for further details.

💫 Extend Controllers

Add additional documentation to your Controller-files.

@summary (only one) A summary of what the action does

@description (only one) A detailed description of what the action does.

@operationId (only one) An optional unique string used to identify an operation. If provided, these IDs must be unique among all operations described in your API..

@responseBody (multiple)

Format: <status> - <return> - <description>

<return> can be either a <Schema>, <Schema[]>/ or a custom JSON {}

@responseHeader (multiple)

Format: <status> - <name> - <description> - <meta>

@paramType (multiple)

Type can be one of Parameter Types (first letter in uppercase)

@requestBody (only one) A definition of the expected requestBody

Format: <body>

<body> can be either a <Schema>, <Schema[]>/, or a custom JSON {}

@requestFormDataBody (only one) A definition of the expected requestBody that will be sent with formData format.

Format: {}

This format should be a valid openapi 3.x json.


@responseBody examples

@responseBody <status> - Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet

@responseBody <status> // returns standard <status> message

@responseBody <status> - <Model> // returns model specification

@responseBody <status> - <Model[]> // returns model-array specification

@responseBody <status> - <Model>.with(relations, property1, property2.relations, property3.subproperty.relations) // returns a model and a defined relation

@responseBody <status> - <Model[]>.with(relations).exclude(property1, property2, property3.subproperty) // returns model specification

@responseBody <status> - <Model[]>.append("some":"valid json") // append additional properties to a Model

@responseBody <status> - <Model>.only(property1, property2) // pick only specific properties

@responseBody <status> - {"foo": "bar"} //returns custom json

@requestBody examples

// basicaly same as @response, just without a status
@requestBody <Model> // Expects model specification
@requestBody <Model>.with(relations) // Expects model and its relations
@requestBody <Model[]>.append("some":"valid json") // append additional properties to a Model
@requestBody {"foo": "bar"} // Expects a specific JSON

@requestFormDataBody examples

// basicaly same as @response, just without a status
@requestFormDataBody {"name":{"type":"string"},"picture":{"type":"string","format":"binary"}} // Expects a valid OpenAPI 3.x JSON

Practical example


export default {
  path: __dirname + "../",
  title: "YourProject",
  version: "1.0.0",
  tagIndex: 2,
  ignore: ["/swagger", "/docs", "/v1", "/", "/something/*", "*/something"],
  common: {
    parameters: {
      sortable: [
          in: "query",
          name: "sortBy",
          schema: { type: "string", example: "foo" },
          in: "query",
          name: "sortType",
          schema: { type: "string", example: "ASC" },
    headers: {
      paginated: {
        "X-Total-Pages": {
          description: "Total amount of pages",
          schema: { type: "integer", example: 5 },
        "X-Total": {
          description: "Total amount of results",
          schema: { type: "integer", example: 100 },
        "X-Per-Page": {
          description: "Results per page",
          schema: { type: "integer", example: 20 },


export default class SomeController {
   * @index
   * @operationId getProducts
   * @description Returns array of producs and it's relations
   * @responseBody 200 - <Product[]>.with(relations)
   * @paramUse(sortable, filterable)
   * @responseHeader 200 - @use(paginated)
   * @responseHeader 200 - X-pages - A description of the header - @example(test)
  public async index({ request, response }: HttpContextContract) {}

   * @show
   * @paramPath id - Describe the param
   * @description Returns a product with it's relation on user and user relations
   * @responseBody 200 - <Product>.with(user, user.relations)
   * @responseBody 404
  public async show({ request, response }: HttpContextContract) {}

   * @update
   * @responseBody 200
   * @responseBody 404 - Product could not be found
   * @requestBody <Product>
  public async update({ request, response }: HttpContextContract) {}

   * @custom
   * @summary Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
   * @paramPath provider - The login provider to be used - @enum(google, facebook, apple)
   * @responseBody 200 - {"token": "xxxxxxx"}
   * @requestBody {"code": "xxxxxx"}
  public async custom({ request, response }: HttpContextContract) {}


What does it do?

AutoSwagger tries to extracat as much information as possible to generate swagger-docs for you.


Automatically generates swagger path-descriptions, based on your application routes. It also detects endpoints, protected by the auth-middlware.


Responses and RequestBody

Generates responses and requestBody based on your simple Controller-Annotation (see Examples)



Automatically generates swagger schema-descriptions based on your models



Instead of using param: any you can now use custom interfaces param: UserDetails. The interfaces files need to be located at app/Interfaces/

Extend Models

Add additional documentation to your Models properties.


Either use compose(BaseModel, SoftDeletes) or add a line @swagger-softdeletes to your Model.


The below comments MUST be placed 1 line above the property.

@no-swagger Although, autoswagger detects serializeAs: null fields automatically, and does not show them. You can use @no-swagger for other fields.

@enum(foo, bar) If a field has defined values, you can add them into an enum. This is usesfull for something like a status field.

@example(foo bar) Use this field to provide own example values for specific fields


@hasMany(() => ProductView)
// @no-swagger
public views: HasMany<typeof ProductView>

// @enum(pending, active, deleted)
public status: string

// @example(
public email: string

Production environment

To make it work in production environments, additional steps are required

  • Create a new command for docs:generate See official documentation

    • This should create a new file in commands/DocsGenerate.ts
  • Use the provided DocsGenerate.ts.examle/DocsGeneratev6.ts.example and put its contents into your newly created DocsGenerate.ts

  • Execute the following

node ace docs:generate
node ace build --production
cp swagger.yml build/


Auto-Generate swagger docs for AdonisJS







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