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Biopig virologist
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.


Surya bulbgod
Lazy researcher, applied mathematician, origamist, Hapkido-ist. Asst Prof, Biomedical Informatics - @CincyInformatix @CincyChildrens

Cincinnati Children's USA

Cimorgh Medical IT Solutions Cimorgh-IT
Cimorgh is a bioinformatics and healthcare data analysis company which offers different services ranges from clinical NGS data analysis software such as GeneAp.

Cimorgh Medical IT solutions Tehran

Ward D WardDeb

Freiburg, Germany

Maarten Slagter slagtermaarten
PhD student working on computational/bioinformatics problems in tumor immunology at the Schumacher and Wessels labs, Netherlands Cancer Institute

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Mansour Faye MansFaye
Computational Biologist, Switzerland

Lausanne, Switzerland

Simcha_Ubo UboCA
Computational Immunology

Sun Yat-sen University

Nicholas Küng NichKu
PhD student at the University Hospital Bern

Inselspital Bern Bern, Switzerland

Bingnan libingnan11
I am researcher in Karolinska Institutet Sweden


University of Lausanne, Ludwig center for cancer research Lausanne, Switzerland