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Huy Cao kics223w1
Huy JavaScript 💻 Write code 💻 Make software

@ProxymanApp VietNam

Luca thisislvca
Your average egolifter dev.


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


deemoe deemoe404


Roscoe Rubin-Rottenberg knotbin
14 year old iOS developer, winner of Apple Swift Student Challenge 2024

Brooklyn, New York

DaniDuese DaniEnsi
18 year old dev working on @ExamManager

BitStore Germany

id-2 id-2


Guillermo Jiménez guiram14
👋 Hola, soy @guiram14 Actualmente estoy aprendiendo a programar en C++ y HTML, además de estar aprendiendo a usar Git y Github


Kevin Pierik leqxi


Rak Laptudirm raklaptudirm
Typescript and Go enthusiast. Developer of Mess Chess Engine Maintainer of Javascript and Go repositories at @TheAlgorithms

@TheAlgorithms The Internet

Peter Carrero aloyr
Maker of things for @HID-GS.


Nick Lauber link9313
29 | Computers 💻 | Science 🔭 | Video Games 👾 | Music 🎶 | Anime 📺 | Marching Band 🎺 | Tolkien 🧝‍♀️🧝‍♂️ | 少し日本語を話します。🇯🇵

United States

Thomas Flad thomasflad

Bosch RefinemySite Germany

Austin Condiff austincondiff
I create simple & effective user interfaces and interactive experiences. I organized and am currently working on @CodeEditApp.

Houston, TX

Caio Tavares caiotavares
👨‍💻 Staff Software Engineer at @nubank

Nubank São Paulo

lollo21 lollo21x
21/12 @lampnews is my life Tech Lover

Lamp News Lamp Inc., Italy

ValentinKt ValentinKt
It's not time that passes, but it's us who pass.
Marek Minor TristanMinor
I’m a digital designer and sometimes I illustrate or play with code.

Bakken & Bæck Amsterdam

Mattèo Gauthier MatteoGauthier
Junior Web Developer, Freelance at Bordeaux, France

Pat Nakajima nakajima
All of my popular repositories are bad ideas but I had fun making them!
Mikaela Caron mikaelacaron
iOS Engineer making my own apps
Max Foxie altfoxie
trying so hard (no)


Aiden heronlyj

China, Shenzhen

kitakitsune zeroxkitakitsune
Hi i'm kitakitsune


ryan dushane ryndshn
app dev, kettering alum

ann arbor, michigan