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Victoria WickyDev
Developer with deep knowledge in computer science

Signifly 385 Pl. d’Youville, Canada

Pitan PTOM76
FabricとPukiWikiの愛好家 FabricメインのMOD開発者

Pitan Network Sakai, Osaka, Japan

guilherme Silva Toledo drawnator
CS student working in the Artificial Intelligence and Dedicated Architecture Lab @ UFCG

UFCG Paraiba - Brasil

DDang_ I-am-ddang
I am DDang_ (I don't have any official contact yet)
Luke Nightcaat
Average web designer, above-average procrastinator and award-winning JavaScript avoider. Doesn’t drink coffee. Thinks old browsers are cool. Busy playing games.

United States

Monster MONSTER6364

Türkiye Afyonkarahisar

daoge smartcmd
Programmer & High School Student From China


Anderson da Silva Machado anderson361163
Analista de Sistemas Jr. Bacharel em Sistemas da Informação - Impacta;

São Paulo - SP

Joe. JoeMichaelQiao
I'd like to have a BLT. With a cup of tea, maybe?

JoeMichaelQiaoStudio China

Wesley F. Young Wesley-Young
childish & not romantic

Department of Physics, Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Arthur B. alkanife
I do stuff

@arthurbeau France

Clément Sanorey


yj0524 yj0524

Korea, South

Julus07 Julus07
Hi, I am Julus07!
Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Krzysztof Dobrzyński Sejoslaw
Senior Software Engineer | Trader / Warsaw Stock Exchange | BSD / Linux / ChromeOS | C# / C / Rust / Python / Perl | I used to mod Minecraft @SejoslawMods

Warsaw, Poland

Владислав Горский Vladg24YT
A beginner coder in Java and Lua. Also know a bit of C, C++ & JavaScript. Currently learning Python.

@LilyBukkit Russia, Moscow

筱夕Sushi SoraSushi776
来自中国的小代码猫,@Azure-Network 技术开发,@DL-Community 技术开发,@Froztim 游戏设计; 什么都会写一点,其实我真的很菜,但我好像什么都会写一点

@Azure-Network Guangdong,China

akac actually-akac

@VaccinatorSec Czech Republic

Arrokoth233 Arrokoth486958

DoveCot Bailin

蓝莓小果冻 Bemly
本木栗 Bemly_ QQ:2328712329

肥巾杂物公司 樱花庄112号

eofitg eofitg
A nerd coding w/ [ C/C++ | Java | Python | Lua ]


danb76 danb76m

United Kingdom

Mathias Clari Drenik mathiasclari
Sooo I am the guy who made Noximity

Noximity Slovenia, Italy

Kaizen NotKaizen
Student,Learning Java


钟小白Core Core2002
✨ Do you remember the days which we spent together?

CHO Kernel