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Aicha Manar Abbad AichaAbbad
M.Eng Robotics Student at the University of Genoa | Erasmus + exchange student at Ecole centrale Nantes

Ecole centrale Nantes France

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

Vitor Mendes vitorsmends

@Brazilian-Institute-of-Robotics Bahia, Brazil

Rohit Menon rohitmenon86
PhD Student at the Humanoid Robots Lab, Uni Bonn, Germany

University of Bonn Bonn

Felipe Mohr felipemohr

Salvador, BA, Brazil

LinkPath huazai5201995

fusidic BeiJing

Penggang GAO gaopenggang
PhD student at IIT Italy


Mikel Zhobro jotix16
PhD student in robot learning

Autonomous Learning @ University of Tuebingen

Daniel Ordonez Danfoa
I love legged robots, Group Theory, ML, Control Theory, and other wonders. Ph.D. at IIT, M.Sc. in AI at UPC, B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering UNAL

IIT Italy-Colombia

Lucas,C Pretendxiang
My interests pertain to the realms of robotic navigation and perception, and I am focus on Safety-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Multi-Agent Systems.

National Cheng Kung University Taiwan

Giulio Turrisi giulioturrisi
Robotics researcher

Dynamic Legged Systems Lab Genova, Italy

Diego Ferigo diegoferigo
PostDoc @ami-iit & @robotology | PhD @ University of Manchester | Humanoid Robotics | Simulations | Trajectory Optimization | Reinforcement Learning | Control.

Italian Institute of Technology Genoa (Italy)

Code never lies

Zhejiang University

YLFeng Ericsii
Graduate Student at Mobile Perception Lab, ShanghaiTech University. Interests: Robotics / Visual-SLAM / RoboMaster / OIer

ShanghaiTech University Shanghai, China

Alessio Parmeggiani Alessio-Parmeggiani
BSc in Computer and System Engineering. MSc in AI&Robotics


Christoph Bächler cbaechler
Senior Firmware Engineer

tiko Energy Solutions AG Zurich, Switzerland

Vansh Yadav norsechurros
Avid coder and Open-Source Robotics Enthusiast. Looking to collaborate on applied AI projects
Karim Triki karim7tr
Robotics Engineering student at the University of Genoa, Italy


Jiayang UltramarineW
道阻且长 行则将至

Harbin Institute of Technology China

Yakov Vasilev JacoBasil
Robotics enthusiast. MSc in IT & IS. Graduated Skoltech, Skolkovo

@AgrobitRobotics Moscow