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Coherence CE v14.

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@pthilagar pthilagar released this 16 Apr 14:49
· 2736 commits to main since this release

This is patch 17 of the Coherence CE v14.1.1.0 release.

New features in Coherence CE

  1. COH-29020 Added additional columns to the memory status report to show memory information in megabytes. Additionally ensured that in all reports the display of report values never uses exponential notation.
  2. COH-28810 Added a message to stdout which prints the Coherence logging configuration when the Coherence logger is set to level 6 or higher.
  3. COH-28004 Fixed "Started Cluster" log message to clarify that a JOINING member's version is a transport protocol compatibility version, not the member's actual Coherence version.
  4. COH-27990 Added the ClearCount attribute to the StorageManager MBean which shows how many times clear() has been called on a cache.
  5. COH-25729 Added write-behind support for cache store erase() and eraseAll() operations.
  6. COH-25653 Added the ability to show the Coherence version without starting a cluster via java -jar coherence.jar --version.

Bugs fixed since Coherence CE

  1. COH-29808 Updated Netty to version 4.1.108.Final.
  2. COH-29569 Fixed an issue where deserialization of 4-byte UTF-8 sequences would fail.
  3. COH-29419 Fixed an issue where CQC synchronization with the reference cache may miss updates when its initialization runs concurrent with changes.
  4. COH-29418 Fixed an issue where the cluster service did not honor the coherence.service.startup.timeout and coherence.service.clusterservice.startup.timeout system properties.
  5. COH-29260 Updated JLine to version 3.25.0.
  6. COH-29205 Fixed an issue where pending events could remain on backup members for a longer time than expected if not acknowledged by clients.
  7. COH-29179 Fixed an issue where the service thread would not heartbeat when all daemon pool threads are stuck.
  8. COH-28721 Fixed an issue where near cache key lock(s) were not being properly released when the back map is truncated and the near cache is using the PRESENT invalidation strategy. The observable failure is thread(s) hung waiting for near cache key locks that are never released.