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Equipo 2

Práctica 2

Primera Parte

Integrante User Tarea
Ana @AnaTorresR Levantar los servicios de minikube, kale y kubeflow y lanzamientos con diferentes valores
Iván @IvanSalgadoVel Levantar los servicios de minikube, kale y kubeflow y lanzamientos con diferentes valores
Dira @diramtz Levantar los servicios de minikube, kale y kubeflow y lanzamientos con diferentes valores
León @lgarayva Levantar los servicios de minikube, kale y kubeflow, lanzamientos con diferentes valores y lanzamientos con diferentes valores

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Nota: No se encontraron errores en el paquete

Assumptions: vpc, security groups, .pem key, role must be configured and created. See: 1.1.Configuracion de servicios basicos para uso de AWS

First step

Select AMI: opt2-aws-educate-17-03-2021

Select m5.2xlarge

Second step

Use next bash script in User data:

region=us-east-1 #make sure instance is in Virginia
##System update
apt-get update -yq
##Tag instance
INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -s http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/instance-id)
PUBLIC_IP=$(curl -s http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4)
aws ec2 create-tags --resources $INSTANCE_ID --tag Key=Name,Value=$name_instance-$PUBLIC_IP --region=$region

Third step

ssh to instance:

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -i <your key> admin@<ipv4 of ec2 instance>

->Enable port 22 in security groups

Fourth step

Change to root:

sudo su

Deploy minikube:

cd /root && minikube start --driver=none

Fifth step

Deploy kubeflow

cd /opt/kf-educate && /root/kfctl apply -V -f kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml

After 3 mins check with

kubectl get pods -n kubeflow

all must be with status "Running" (and one with "Completed")

To access kubeflow UI set:

      export INGRESS_HOST=$(minikube ip)
      export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].nodePort}')

Retrieve port


(it's probable that the port will be 31380)

And go to:

http://<ipv4 of ec2 instance>:$INGRESS_PORT

->Enable port $INGRESS_PORT in security groups


practica-2-primera-parte-diramtz created by GitHub Classroom






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