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OpenZiti Console

The OpenZiti Console is an administrative web interface for an OpenZiti network.

Run with NodeJS

Before you start, ensure you can connect to an OpenZiti Controller. To learn more about OpenZiti constructs and APIs go to the API reference.

To build and run the application from source, you'll also need to make sure you have the following developer tools installed and available on your command line:

Tool Min. Version
Node.js 16.13.x
npm 8.1.x
  • You will also need to make sure you have the angular CLI installed
  • This project currently requires Angular CLI v16
  • To install the Angular CLI run:
npm install -g @angular/cli@16
  • You'll also need to be running Node.js version >= 16.13.x

From the project root:

  1. install project dependencies:

    npm install
  2. build project with Angular

    ng build ziti-console-lib;
    ng build ziti-console;
    ng build ziti-console-node;
  3. run the node server

    node server.js
  4. Finally, access the app @ http://localhost:1408

Server TLS

The console server can be configured to present a TLS server certificate on a configurable TCP port. TLS is enabled when the private key and certificate files exist with the expected filenames in the working directory.

  • ./server.key - private key
  • ./server.chain.pem - server certificate chain

Configure the TLS port in settings.json by setting portTLS (default: 8443).

Developing with Angular

There are two elements to the Angular app.

From project Root:

  1. Install dependencies

    npm install
  2. Run & watch changes in the core library in ziti-console-lib by running the npm script watch:lib

    ng build ziti-console-lib --watch
    • Note: The NPM library is referenced/linked in package.json as "ziti-console-lib": "file:dist/ziti-console-lib". This library includes the pure javascript code it shared with ziti-console, and the Angular code it shares with other apps.
  3. Then in a separate window run & watch changes in the main application app-ziti-console

    ng build ziti-console-node --watch

This ensures changes made to the NPM library get pulled into the Angular app as you are developing


The ZAC application can be run in a docker container by following the steps below.

If you don't have docker installed, you can download and install the docker engine here:

Build the Container Image

From the project root directory, build the image:

docker build . -t openziti/zac

Run with Angular in Docker

  • If you plan to connect to an Edge Controller that is NOT configured with a trusted SSL/TLS certificate, it's recommended you use the Node API integration
  • To do this via docker run the container with the node-api argument:
sudo docker run -d --name zac -p 1408:1408 openziti/zac