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@andycall andycall released this 25 Sep 11:37
· 388 commits to main since this release

This version will support Flutter 3.10.x


  1. Optimize location API for better performance results. #420
  2. Optimize the webf_bridge and quickjs binary size. #414
  3. Support CSS initial length value. #421
  4. Optimize Element.children() and Document.all() performance. #424
  5. Support element for svg. #475
  6. Add WebFController.onTitleChanged API. #479

Bug Fixed

  1. Fix percentage width and height not working under inline block box. #430
  2. Fix Node.insertBefore with SVGElement error. #431
  3. Fix cookie delete file error when it's not available. #429
  4. Fix use css vars with initial. 1da2e58
  5. Fix toggle position: fixed on bodyElement with other fixed elements. #416
  6. Fix css nth-child not work. #417
  7. Fix Node.childNodes didn't update when nodes changed. #419
  8. Fix loading fonts cause assertion when remove or attach RenderObjects. #425
  9. fix crash when reload pages. #476
  10. Fix memory leaks. #487